The Java EE 6 Tutorial, Volume I

Resource Relocation using h:output Tags

Resource relocation refers to the ability of a JavaServer Faces application to specify the location where a resource can be rendered. Resource relocation can be defined with the following two new HTML tags introduced in JavaServer Faces 2.0.

These tags have a couple of attributes, name and target which can be used for defining the render location. For a complete list of attributes for these tags, see the PDL Documentation at

For h:outputScript tag, the name and target attributes define where the output of a resource may appear. Here is an example:

!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="" 
    <h:head id="head">
        <title>Resource Relocation</title>
    <h:body id="body">
        <h:form id="form">        
            <h:outputScript name="hello.js"/>
            <h:outputStylesheet name="hello.css"/>

Since target attribute is not defined in the tag, the Stylesheet hello.css is rendered in head and the hello.js script will be rendered in the body of the page as defined by h:head tag.

Here is the HTML generated by the above page:

<html xmlns="">
        <title>Resource Relocation</title>
        <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"
        <form id="form" name="form" method="post" action="..." enctype="...">
            <script type="text/javascript"

The original page can be recreated setting the target attribute for the h:outputScript tag which allows the incoming GET request to provide the location parameter. Here is an example:

<html xmlns="" 
    <h:head id="head">
        <title>Resource Relocation</title>
    <h:body id="body">
        <h:form id="form">        
            <h:outputScript name="hello.js" target="#{param.location}"/>
            <h:outputStylesheet name="hello.css"/>

In this case, if the incoming request does not provide a location parameter, the default locations will still apply: the stylesheet is rendered in the head and the script inline. However if the incoming request provides the location parameter as head, both the stylesheet and the script will be rendered in the head element.

The HTML generated by the above page is as follows:

<html xmlns="">
        <title>Resource Relocation</title>
        <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"
          <script type="text/javascript"
        <form id="form" name="form" method="post" action="..." enctype="...">

Similarly if the incoming request provides the location parameter as body, the script will be rendered in the body element.

The above section describes simple uses for the resource relocation. Resource relocation feature can add even more functionality for the components and pages. A page author does not have to know the location of a resource or its placement.

Component authors, by using @ResourceDependency annotation for the components, can define the resources for the component such as a stylesheet and script. This allows the page authors freedom from defining resource locations.