Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v3 Administration Guide

Administering Connection Addressing

Certain JMS resources use the JMS host list (AddressList) configuration, which is populated with the hosts and ports of the JMS hosts defined in Enterprise Server. The JMS host list is updated whenever a JMS host configuration changes. The JMS host list is inherited by any JMS resource when it is created, and by any message-driven bean when it is deployed.

In the Message Queue software, the AddressList property is called imqAddressList.

The following topics are addressed here:

Setting JMS Connection Pooling

Enterprise Server pools JMS connections automatically. When a JMS connection pool is created, there is one ManagedConnectionFactory instance associated with it. If you configure the AddressList property as a ManagedConnectionFactory property, the AddressList configuration in the ManagedConnectionFactory value takes precedence over the value defined in Enterprise Server.

Use the create-connector-connection-pool subcommand to manage an existing pool. For instructions, see Administering Connector Connection Pools.

By default, the addresslist-behavior JMS service attribute is set to random. This means that each physical connection (ManagedConnection) created from the ManagedConnectionFactory selects its primary broker in a random way from the AddressList property.

To specify whether Enterprise Server tries to reconnect to the primary broker if the connection is lost, set the reconnect-enabled attribute in the JMS service by using the set(1) subcommand. To specify the number of retries and the time between retries, set the reconnect-attempts and reconnect-interval-in-seconds attributes, respectively.

If reconnection is enabled and the primary broker fails, Enterprise Server tries to reconnect to another broker in the JMS host list (AddressList). The logic for scanning is decided by two JMS service attributes, addresslist-behavior and addresslist-iterations. You can override these settings by using JMS connection factory settings. The Sun GlassFish Message Queue software transparently transfers the load to another broker when the failover occurs. JMS semantics are maintained during failover.

Accessing Remote Servers

Changing the provider and host to a remote system causes all JMS applications to run on the remote server. To use both the local server and one or more remote servers, create a connection factory resource with the AddressList property. This creates connections that access remote servers.