Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v3 Domain File Format Reference
 das-config element ( Index Term Link )
 databaseName property ( Index Term Link )
 datasource-classname attribute ( Index Term Link )
 datasource-jndi property ( Index Term Link )
 datasourceName property ( Index Term Link )
 db-logging-resource property ( Index Term Link )
 db-password property ( Index Term Link )
 db-user property ( Index Term Link )
 debug-enabled attribute ( Index Term Link )
 debug-options attribute ( Index Term Link )
 debug property ( Index Term Link )
 default-client-provider attribute ( Index Term Link )
 default-jms-host attribute ( Index Term Link )
 default-principal attribute ( Index Term Link )
 default-principal-password attribute ( Index Term Link )
 default-provider attribute ( Index Term Link )
 default-realm attribute ( Index Term Link )
 default-response-type attribute ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 default-type attribute ( Index Term Link )
 default virtual server
  for a network-listener element ( Index Term Link )
  for the entire server ( Index Term Link )
 default-virtual-server attribute ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 default-web-module attribute ( Index Term Link )
 denyRemoteAddress property ( Index Term Link )
 denyRemoteHost property ( Index Term Link )
 deploy-xml-validation attribute ( Index Term Link )
 description attribute
  application element ( Index Term Link )
  jdbc-connection-pool element ( Index Term Link )
  jdbc-resource element ( Index Term Link )
  property element ( Index Term Link )
  system-property element ( Index Term Link )
 description element ( Index Term Link )
 description property ( Index Term Link )
 digest-algorithm property ( Index Term Link )
 directory attribute ( Index Term Link )
 directory-deployed attribute
  appclient-module element ( Index Term Link )
  application element ( Index Term Link )
  connector-module element ( Index Term Link )
  ejb-module element ( Index Term Link )
  extension-module element ( Index Term Link )
  j2ee-application element ( Index Term Link )
  web-module element ( Index Term Link )
 directory property ( Index Term Link )
 disable-distributed-transaction-logging property ( Index Term Link )
 disable-timeout-in-minutes attribute ( Index Term Link )
 disableUploadTimeout property ( Index Term Link )
 dispatcher-max-depth property ( Index Term Link )
 display-configuration attribute ( Index Term Link )
 dns-lookup-enabled attribute ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 docroot attribute ( Index Term Link )
 domain element ( Index Term Link )
 domain.xml file
  backup of ( Index Term Link )
  element hierarchy ( Index Term Link )
  elements in ( Index Term Link )
  extensibility ( Index Term Link )
  location ( Index Term Link )
  verification ( Index Term Link )
 driver-classname attribute ( Index Term Link )
 dynamic-reconfiguration-enabled attribute ( Index Term Link )
 dynamic-reload-enabled attribute ( Index Term Link )
 dynamic-reload-poll-interval-in-seconds attribute ( Index Term Link )
 dynamic.username.password property ( Index Term Link )