Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v3 Domain File Format Reference


Specifies an engine for an application or module. An engine runs a sniffer during deployment, which is responsible for identifying a type of deployment artifact (such as a WAR file) and setting up the associated container (such as the web container). Multiple engines, each with its own sniffer, can be associated with a given application or module.


application, module


The following table describes subelements for the engine element.

Table 1–46 engine Subelements





zero or one 

Configures the parent web module. Applicable only if this engine element has a sniffer value of web.


zero or more 

Specifies a property or a variable. 


The following table describes attributes for the engine element.

Table 1–47 engine Attributes






Specifies the type of sniffer. Allowed values include the following: 

  • web — Specifies that the parent module is a web application.

  • security — Specifies that security is enabled for the parent module.

  • jpa — Specifies that the parent module uses the Java Persistence API.

  • connector — Specifies that the parent module is a connector.

  • ejb — Specifies that the parent module is an EJB module. The EJB container add-on component must be installed in the Enterprise Server.

  • webservices — Specifies that the parent module is a web service endpoint. The Metro add-on component must be installed in the Enterprise Server.

  • appclient — Specifies that the parent module is an application client. This value is valid only in the full platform distribution of the Enterprise Server.

  • ear — Specifies that the parent application is a Java EE application (EAR file). This value is valid only in the full platform distribution of the Enterprise Server.

  • webbeans — Specifies that the parent module is a Web Bean. The Web Beans add-on component must be installed in the Enterprise Server.

  • jruby — Specifies that the parent module is a JRuby application. The JRuby add-on component must be installed in the Enterprise Server.

  • osgi — Specifies that the parent module is an OSGi add-on component.

  • grizzly — Specifies that the parent module is a Grizzly add-on component.



(optional) Specifies a text description for this element.