Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v3 Scripting Framework Guide

ProcedureTo Install Jython Container for Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server

The GlassFish Update Center provides the Jython container package. With this task you can install Jython Container module and Grizzly adapter JAR files in the as-install/glassfish/modules directory, and enable deployment of Jython/Django applications on the Enterprise Server.

Note –

Make sure that the asadmin command is available from the PATH variable. Alternately you can use the as-install/bin/asadmin command.

  1. Start the Update Center with the following command:

  2. Choose the following option from Available Add-ons and click Install:

    GlassFish V3 Jython Container

    Update center automatically completes the installation of the container and configures it for use with Enterprise Server.

  3. Start the Enterprise Server:

    asadmin start-domain -v

  4. Test the configuration with the following process:

    1. Change to Django examples directory:

      cd Django-1.1.1/samples

    2. Deploy the example applications on the server:

      asadmin deploy .

    3. Access the deployed example applications from browser:
