Sun GlassFish Enterprise Manager DTrace Monitoring 3.0 Beta Installation and Quick Start Guide

ProcedureTo Install DTrace Monitoring

Before You Begin

Ensure that the following prerequisites are met:

JDK release 7 is available for download from the Java Early Access Downloads site.

  1. Change to the directory to which you downloaded the ZIP file.

    cd download-dir

    download-dir is the directory where you downloaded the ZIP file.

  2. Unzip the ZIP file.


    When you unzip the file, a directory that is named monitoring_dtrace is created within the current directory. This new directory contains a subdirectory that is named lib, which contains the glassfish-dtrace.jar file.

  3. Copy the glassfish-dtrace.jar file to the Enterprise Server modules directory.

    cp monitoring_dtrace/lib/glassfish-dtrace.jar as-install/modules

    as-install is the directory in which Enterprise Server is installed.

  4. If necessary, start an administrative domain.

    asadmin start-domain domain

    domain is the name of the administrative domain to start.

  5. Enable support for DTrace monitoring in Enterprise Server.

    asadmin set configs.config.server-config.monitoring-service.dtrace-enabled=true