Solaris Advanced User's Guide

Appendix A Modifying the Keyboard

This appendix describes how to remap options for special keyboard keys and how to disable and enable the Compose key on your keyboard.

For information on remapping your mouse buttons (for example, more convenient left-handed use of the mouse), see the user documentation for your desktop environment.

Disabling and Enabling the Compose Key

x86 only –

The Compose key is defined to be Ctrl-Shift-F1 on IA-based systems.

If you do not use the Compose key, you can disable it so that you do not press it inadvertently. First, find out the keycode for Multi_key:

$ xmodmap -pk | grep Multi_key

Your system displays a line similar to:

nn 0xff20 (Multi_key)

Use the two-digit keycode number at the beginning of the line, represented by nn, to construct the following line in your .xinitrc file.

xmodmap -e 'keycode nn = NoSymbol'

To re-enable the Compose key, comment out the previous line in your .xinitrc file and restart the OpenWindows software.

SPARC: Left-Handed Key Remapping

The key remapping script in this section (provided for the Type-4 and Type-5 keyboards) remaps most of the special keys on the left panel and right panel of the keyboard (that is, the keypads to the left and right of the main keyboard area).

SPARC only –

Note the following sections that describe “Left-Handed Key Remapping” apply only to SPARC-based machines.

SPARC: Using the Remapping Script

To remap the special keys on the left panel and right panel of your keyboard, follow these steps.

  1. Create a file called by using any text editor.

    This file can be in any directory. Step 4 must occur in the same directory in which you create this file.

  2. Type in the script as shown in Script.

    Any line with an exclamation point in front of it is a comment line, and does not execute any operation.

  3. Save the changes and quit the editor.

  4. At the prompt, type:

    $ xmodmap 

    Note –

    You must be in the same directory as the script file.

  5. Click a mouse button in the Workspace to make the script effective.

    The keyboard is now remapped for left-handed use. Script

Type the following script into the file, as described in Step 2.

! Data for xmodmap to set up the left and right function keys
! for left-handed use on Sun Type-4 keyboard. To use this data,
! type the following where <filename> is the name of the file
! (i.e.,
! xmodmap <filename>
! The comments below correspond to the keycode assignments
! following immediately thereafter.
! swap L2 (Again) with R1 (Pause)
! swap L3 (Props) with R6 (KP_Multiply)
! swap L4 (Undo) with R4 (KP_Equal)
! swap L5 (Front) with R9 (KP_9)
! swap L6 (Copy) with R7 (KP_7)
! swap L7 (Open) with R12 (KP_6)
! swap L8 (Paste) with R10 (KP_Left)
! swap L9 (Find) with R15 (KP_3)
! swap L10 (Cut) with R13 (KP_1)
! chng R3 (Break) to L1 (Stop)
! chng R2 (Print) to R10 (Left)
! chng R5 (KP_Divide) to R12 (Right)
! chng Linefeed to Control-R
keycode 10 = R1 R1 Pause
keycode 28 = L2 L2 SunAgain
keycode 32 = R6 R6 KP_Multiply
keycode 54 = L3 L3 SunProps
keycode 33 = R4 R4 KP_Equal
keycode 52 = L4 L4 SunUndo
keycode 56 = R9 R9 KP_9 Prior
keycode 77 = L5 L5 SunFront
keycode 58 = R7 R7 KP_7 Home

keycode 75 = L6 L6 SunCopy
keycode 79 = Right R12 KP_6
keycode 100 = L7 L7 SunOpen
keycode 80 = Left R10 KP_4
keycode 98 = L8 L8 SunPaste
keycode 102 = R15 R15 KP_3 Next
keycode 121 = L9 L9 SunFind
keycode 104 = R13 R13 KP_1 End
keycode 119 = L10 L10 SunCut
keycode 30 = L1 L1 SunStop
keycode 29 = Left R10 KP_4
keycode 53 = Right R12 KP_6
keycode 118 = Control_R
add control = Control_R    

SPARC: Undoing the Keyboard Remapping

You can switch the keys back to their original settings in the following ways.

Follow these instructions to create the second script.

  1. Use a text editor to create a file called

  2. Type in the script as shown in Script

    Any line with an exclamation point in front of it is a comment line, and does not execute any operation.

  3. Save the script in the same directory as the script and quit the editor.

  4. At the prompt, type the following command.

    $ xmodmap 

    Note –

    For the file to execute, you must type the previous command in the same directory as the script file. Script

! Data for xmodmap to reset the left and right function keys
! after being set for left-handed use on the Sun type-4 keyboard. 
! To use this data, type the following where <filename> is the name 
! of the file.
! xmodmap <filename>
! Reassign standard values to left function keys.
keycode 10 = L2 L2 SunAgain
keycode 32 = L3 L3 SunProps
keycode 33 = L4 L4 SunUndo
keycode 56 = L5 L5 SunFront
keycode 58 = L6 L6 SunCopy
keycode 79 = L7 L7 SunOpen
keycode 80 = L8 L8 SunPaste
keycode 102 = L9 L9 SunFind
keycode 104 = L10 L10 SunCut
! Reassign standard values to right function keys.
keycode 28 = R1 R1 Pause
keycode 29 = R2 R2 Print
keycode 30 = R3 R3 Scroll_Lock Break
keycode 52 = R4 R4 KP_Equal
keycode 53 = R5 R5 KP_Divide
keycode 54 = R6 R6 KP_Multiply
keycode 75 = R7 R7 KP_7 Home
keycode 77 = R9 R9 KP_9 Prior
keycode 98 = Left R10 KP_4
keycode 100 = Right R12 KP_6
keycode 119 = R13 R13 KP_1 End
keycode 121 = R15 R15 KP_3 Next
! Reassign the Linefeed key as such and remove from control map.
remove control = Control_R
keycode 118 = Linefeed   

x86: Function Key and Control Key Remapping

You can remap the function keys of an IA machine so that they function like the Help, Cut, Copy, Paste, Undo, and Front keys on a SPARC keyboard. You can also remap the right Control key to be a Meta key.

x86 only –

Note that the following sections describing “Function Key Remapping” apply only to IA machines. After you remap the keys, you cannot use kdmconfig to change setup or video information without first undoing the keyboard remapping.

x86: Using the Remapping Script

Follow these steps to create and use your remapping script:

  1. Create a file in your home directory that is called fkeys by using any text editor.

  2. Type in the script as shown in fkeys Script.

  3. Save the changes and quit the editor.

  4. At the prompt, type the following command.

    $ xmodmap fkeys 

    Note –

    You must be in the same directory as the script file.

  5. Click a mouse button in the Workspace to make the script effective.

    After you complete these steps, you can use the function keys as Help, Cut, Copy, Paste, Undo, and Front keys.

fkeys Script

keysym F2 = L10 
keysym F3 = L6 
keysym F4 = L8 
keysym F5 = L9  

keysym F8 = L4 
keysym F9 = L5  

remove control = Control_R 
keycode 0x47 = Meta_R 
add mod1 = Meta_R

x86: Undoing the Keyboard Remapping

You can switch the keys back to their original settings in two ways.

Follow these instructions to create the second script:

  1. Use a text editor to create a file called normal.

  2. Type the script as shown in normal Script.

  3. Save the normal file in the same directory as the fkeys script and quit the editor.

  4. At the prompt, type:

    $ xmodmap normal 

    Note –

    You must type the previous command in the same directory as the script file.

normal Script

Type the following script into the file normal, as described in Step 1.

keycode 8 = grave asciitilde
keycode 9 = 1 exclam
keycode 10 = 2 at
keycode 11 = 3 numbersign
keycode 12 = 4 dollar
keycode 13 = 5 percent
keycode 14 = 6 asciicircum
keycode 15 = 7 ampersand
keycode 16 = 8 asterisk
keycode 17 = 9 parenleft
keycode 18 = 0 parenright

keycode 19 = minus underscore
keycode 20 = equal plus
keycode 21 =
keycode 22 = BackSpace
keycode 23 = Tab
keycode 24 = Q
keycode 25 = W
keycode 26 = E
keycode 27 = R
keycode 28 = T
keycode 29 = Y
keycode 30 = U
keycode 31 = I
keycode 32 = O
keycode 33 = P
keycode 34 = bracketleft braceleft
keycode 35 = bracketright braceright
keycode 36 = backslash bar brokenbar
keycode 37 = Caps_Lock

keycode 38 = A
keycode 39 = S
keycode 40 = D
keycode 41 = F
keycode 42 = G
keycode 43 = H
keycode 44 = J
keycode 45 = K
keycode 46 = L
keycode 47 = semicolon colon
keycode 48 = apostrophe quotedbl
keycode 49 =
keycode 50 = Return
keycode 51 = Shift_L
keycode 52 =
keycode 53 = Z
keycode 54 = X
keycode 55 = C
keycode 56 = V
keycode 57 = B
keycode 58 = N
keycode 59 = M
keycode 60 = comma less
keycode 61 = period greater
keycode 62 = slash question
keycode 63 =
keycode 64 = Shift_R
keycode 65 = Control_L
keycode 66 =
keycode 67 = Alt_L
keycode 68 = space
keycode 69 = Alt_R
keycode 70 =
keycode 71 = Control_R
keycode 72 =
keycode 73 =
keycode 74 =
keycode 75 =
keycode 76 =
keycode 77 =
keycode 78 =
keycode 79 =
keycode 80 =
keycode 81 =
keycode 82 = Insert
keycode 83 = Delete
keycode 84 =
keycode 85 =
keycode 86 = Left
keycode 87 = Home
keycode 88 = End
keycode 89 =
keycode 90 = Up
keycode 91 = Down
keycode 92 = Prior
keycode 93 = Next
keycode 94 =
keycode 95 =
keycode 96 = Right
keycode 97 = Num_Lock
keycode 98 = Home KP_7 KP_7
keycode 99 = Left KP_4 KP_4
keycode 100 = End KP_1 KP_1
keycode 101 =
keycode 102 = KP_Divide
keycode 103 = Up KP_8 KP_8
keycode 104 = KP_5 KP_5 KP_5
keycode 105 = Down KP_2 KP_2
keycode 106 = KP_Insert KP_0 KP_0
keycode 107 = KP_Multiply
keycode 108 = Prior KP_9 KP_9
keycode 109 = Right KP_6 KP_6
keycode 110 = Next KP_3 KP_3
keycode 111 = Delete KP_Decimal KP_Decimal
keycode 112 = KP_Subtract
keycode 113 = KP_Add
keycode 114 =
keycode 115 = KP_Enter
keycode 116 =
keycode 117 = Escape
keycode 118 =
keycode 119 = F1
keycode 120 = F2
keycode 121 = F3
keycode 122 = F4
keycode 123 = F5
keycode 124 = F6
keycode 125 = F7
keycode 126 = F8
keycode 127 = F9
keycode 128 = F10
keycode 129 = SunF36
keycode 130 = SunF37
keycode 131 = Print SunSys_Req
keycode 132 = Scroll_Lock
keycode 133 = Pause Break
keycode 134 =
keycode 135 = Multi_key
keycode 136 = Mode_switch