ToolTalk User's Guide

Using the ToolTalk Filename Mapping Functions

The Filename Mapping functions are a part of the ToolTalk API. You can use them independently of ToolTalk message passing to encode and decode canonical forms of network-visible filenames. You can pass these canonical forms among applications that need to access a common file. This file could have different pathnames depending on the host from which the file is referenced. For example a file may be known as /home/fred/test.c on host A, but as /net/A/export/home/fred/test.c on another host. The filename mapping API converts an NFS-visible filename to a canonical name (via tt_host_file_netfile()) which may be passed among applications on different hosts. Another host may then pass that canonical pathname into the API (tt_host_netfile_file()) to have the canonical name converted back to a UNIX pathname which will be correct for the invoking program.