ToolTalk User's Guide

Osignature Actions Information

start—if the osignature matches a message and no running process of this otype has a pattern that matches the message, start a process of this otype.

queue—if the osignature matches a message and no running process of this otype has a pattern that matches the message, queue the message until a process of this otype registers a pattern that matches it.

The following listing illustrates an otype file.

#include "Sun_EditDemo_opnums.h"

otype Sun_EditDemo_object {
	 /* hilite object given by objid, starts an editor if necessary */
	 hilite_obj(in string objid)
		=> Sun_EditDemo session start opnum=Sun_EditDemo_HILITE_OBJ;

The Sun_EditDemo_opnums.h file defines symbolic definitions for all the opnums used by edit.c, allowing both the edit.types file and edit.c file to share the same definitions.