System Administration Guide: IP Services

ProcedureHow to Display Statistics by Protocol

The netstat -s option displays protocol statistics for the UDP, TCP, SCTP, ICMP, and IP protocols.

Note –

You can use your Oracle Solaris user account to obtain output from the netstat command.

  1. Display the protocol status.

    $ netstat -s

Example 8–5 Network Protocol Statistics

The following example shows the output of the netstat -s command. Parts of the output have been truncated. The output can indicate areas where a protocol is having problems. For example, statistical information from ICMPv4 and ICMPv6 can indicate where the ICMP protocol has found errors.

        rawipInDatagrams    =  4701     rawipInErrors       =     0
        rawipInCksumErrs    =     0     rawipOutDatagrams   =     4
        rawipOutErrors      =     0

        udpInDatagrams      = 10091     udpInErrors         =     0
        udpOutDatagrams     = 15772     udpOutErrors        =     0

TCP     tcpRtoAlgorithm     =     4     tcpRtoMin           =   400
        tcpRtoMax           = 60000     tcpMaxConn          =    -1
        tcpListenDrop       =     0     tcpListenDropQ0     =     0
        tcpHalfOpenDrop     =     0     tcpOutSackRetrans   =     0

IPv4    ipForwarding        =     2     ipDefaultTTL        =   255
        ipInReceives        =300182     ipInHdrErrors       =     0
        ipInAddrErrors      =     0     ipInCksumErrs       =     0
        ipsecInFailed       =     0     ipInIPv6            =     0
        ipOutIPv6           =     3     ipOutSwitchIPv6     =     0

IPv6    ipv6Forwarding      =     2     ipv6DefaultHopLimit =   255
        ipv6InReceives      = 13986     ipv6InHdrErrors     =     0
        ipv6InTooBigErrors  =     0     ipv6InNoRoutes      =     0
        rawipInOverflows    =     0     ipv6InIPv4          =     0
       ipv6OutIPv4         =     0     ipv6OutSwitchIPv4   =     0

ICMPv4  icmpInMsgs          = 43593     icmpInErrors        =     0
        icmpInCksumErrs     =     0     icmpInUnknowns      =     0
        icmpInOverflows     =     0

ICMPv6  icmp6InMsgs         = 13612     icmp6InErrors       =     0
        icmp6InDestUnreachs =     0     icmp6InAdminProhibs =     0
        icmp6OutGroupQueries=     0     icmp6OutGroupResps  =     2
        icmp6OutGroupReds   =     0

      12287 messages received
          0 messages received with too few bytes
          0 messages received with bad checksum
      12287 membership queries received
SCTP  sctpRtoAlgorithm     =  vanj    
      sctpRtoMin           =  1000 
      sctpRtoMax           = 60000
      sctpRtoInitial       =  3000
      sctpTimHearBeatProbe =     2
      sctpTimHearBeatDrop  =     0
      sctpListenDrop       =     0
      sctpInClosed         =     0