Writing Device Drivers
 latent fault, definition of ( Index Term Link )
 layered driver handle, See LDI
 Layered Driver Interface, See LDI
 layered identifier, See LDI
 ld command ( Index Term Link )
 LDI ( Index Term Link )
  definition ( Index Term Link )
  device access ( Index Term Link )
  device consumer ( Index Term Link )
  device information ( Index Term Link )
  device layering ( Index Term Link )
  device usage ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  event notification interfaces ( Index Term Link )
  fuser command ( Index Term Link )
  kernel device consumer ( Index Term Link )
  layered driver ( Index Term Link )
  layered driver handle ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  layered identifier ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  libdevinfo interfaces ( Index Term Link )
  prtconf command ( Index Term Link )
  target device ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 LDI functions
  ldi_add_event_handler() function ( Index Term Link )
  ldi_aread() function ( Index Term Link )
  ldi_awrite() function ( Index Term Link )
  ldi_close() function ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  ldi_devmap() function ( Index Term Link )
  ldi_dump() function ( Index Term Link )
  ldi_get_dev() function ( Index Term Link )
  ldi_get_devid() function ( Index Term Link )
  ldi_get_eventcookie() function ( Index Term Link )
  ldi_get_minor_name() function ( Index Term Link )
  ldi_get_otyp() function ( Index Term Link )
  ldi_get_size() function ( Index Term Link )
  ldi_getmsg() function ( Index Term Link )
  ldi_ident_from_dev() function ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  ldi_ident_from_dip() function ( Index Term Link )
  ldi_ident_from_stream() function ( Index Term Link )
  ldi_ident_release() function ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  ldi_ioctl() function ( Index Term Link )
  ldi_open_by_dev() function ( Index Term Link )
  ldi_open_by_devid() function ( Index Term Link )
  ldi_open_by_name() function ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  ldi_poll() function ( Index Term Link )
  ldi_prop_exists() function ( Index Term Link )
  ldi_prop_get_int() function ( Index Term Link )
  ldi_prop_get_int64() function ( Index Term Link )
  ldi_prop_lookup_byte_array() function ( Index Term Link )
  ldi_prop_lookup_int_array() function ( Index Term Link )
  ldi_prop_lookup_int64_array() function ( Index Term Link )
  ldi_prop_lookup_string() function ( Index Term Link )
  ldi_prop_lookup_string_array() function ( Index Term Link )
  ldi_putmsg() function ( Index Term Link )
  ldi_read() function ( Index Term Link )
  ldi_remove_event_handler() function ( Index Term Link )
  ldi_strategy() function ( Index Term Link )
  ldi_write() function ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 LDI types
  ldi_callback_id_t ( Index Term Link )
  ldi_handle_t ( Index Term Link )
  ldi_ident_t ( Index Term Link )
 leaf devices, description of ( Index Term Link )
 leaf nodes ( Index Term Link )
 legacy interrupts
  defined ( Index Term Link )
  using ( Index Term Link )
 length argument, ddi_dma_mem_alloc(), changes to ( Index Term Link )
 libdevinfo(), displaying the device tree ( Index Term Link )
 libdevinfo device information library ( Index Term Link )
 linking drivers ( Index Term Link )
 lint command, 64-bit environment ( Index Term Link )
 list suspect, definition ( Index Term Link )
 lnode ( Index Term Link )
 loadable module functions ( Index Term Link )
 loading drivers ( Index Term Link )
  add_drv command ( Index Term Link )
  hardware configuration file ( Index Term Link )
 loading modules ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 loading test modules ( Index Term Link )
 locking primitives, types of ( Index Term Link )
  manipulating ( Index Term Link )
  mutex ( Index Term Link )
  readers/writer ( Index Term Link )
  scheme for ( Index Term Link )
  use in devmap() ( Index Term Link )
  use in ioctl() ( Index Term Link )
 lso_basic_tcp_ipv4() structure ( Index Term Link )
 LUN bits ( Index Term Link )