Oracle Solaris Security for Developers Guide

/etc/gss/qop File

The /etc/gss/qop file stores, for all mechanisms installed, all the QOPs supported by each mechanism, both as an ASCII string and as the corresponding 32-bit integer. A sample /etc/gss/qop might look like the following example.

Example C–2 The /etc/gss/qop File

# Copyright (c) 2000, by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
# All rights reserved.
#ident  "@(#)qop 1.3     00/11/09 SMI" 
# This file contains information about the GSS-API based quality of
# protection (QOP), its string name and its value (32-bit integer).
# QOP string                    QOP Value       Mechanism Name
GSS_KRB5_INTEG_C_QOP_DES_MD5    0               kerberos_v5
GSS_KRB5_CONF_C_QOP_DES         0               kerberos_v5