man pages section 1: User Commands
  • G
    • gcore(1)– get core images of running processes
    • gencat(1)– generate a formatted message catalog
    • geniconvtbl(1)– generate iconv code conversion tables
    • genlayouttbl(1)– generate layout table for complex text layout
    • genmsg(1)– generate a message source file by extracting messages from source files
    • get(1)– retrieve a version of an SCCS file
    • getconf(1)– get configuration values
    • getfacl(1)– display discretionary file information
    • getfrm(1F)– returns the current frameID number
    • getitems(1F)– returns a list of currently marked menu items
    • getlabel(1)– display the label of files
    • getopt(1)– parse command options
    • getoptcvt(1)– convert to getopts to parse command options
    • getopts(1)– parse utility options
    • gettext(1)– retrieve text string from message database
    • gettxt(1)– retrieve a text string from a message database
    • getzonepath(1)– display root path of the zone corresponding to the specified label
    • gigiplot(1B)– graphics filters for various plotters
    • glob(1)– shell built-in function to expand a word list
    • goto(1)– shell built-in functions to enable the execution of the shell to advance beyond its sequence of steps
    • gprof(1)– display call-graph profile data
    • graph(1)– draw a graph
    • grep(1)– search a file for a pattern
    • groups(1)– print group membership of user
    • groups(1B)– display a user's group memberships
    • grpck(1B)– check group database entries