Solaris WBEM Developer's Guide

Solaris WBEM SDK

The Solaris WBEM SDK is a set of APIs that contain the components necessary to write management applications. These applications communicate with WBEM-enabled management devices by using XML and HTTP communication standards.

Solaris WBEM applications request information or services from the Common Information Model (CIM) Object Manager through the WBEM APIs. These APIs represent CIM objects as Java classes. You use the APIs to describe managed objects and to retrieve information about managed objects in a system environment. The advantage of modeling managed resources by using CIM is that those objects can be shared across any system that is CIM-compliant.

Note –

The Solaris WBEM application programming interface (API) documentation is in Javadoc format and is installed at file:/usr/sadm/lib/wbem/doc/index.html during a Solaris OS installation.

The Solaris WBEM APIs are described in the following table.

Table 1–1 Solaris WBEM APIs


Package Name 




Includes common classes and methods that represent the basic CIM elements. The CIM APIs create objects on the local system. 



Applications use the CIMClient class to connect to the CIM Object Manager. Applications use the other classes and methods to transfer data to and from the CIM Object Manager.

The Batching APIs, a subset of the Client APIs, enable clients to batch multiple requests in one remote call. This capability reduces the delay introduced by multiple remote message exchanges. 



The CIM Object Manager uses these APIs to pass application requests for dynamic data to providers.  



Contains classes and methods that you use to formulate and manipulate queries by using the WBEM Query Language (WQL).