Solaris WBEM Developer's Guide

Using the Solaris WBEM SDK APIs to Set Access Control

You can use the WBEM SDK's application programming interfaces (SDK APIs) to set access control on a name space or on a per-user basis. These security classes are stored in the root\security name space:

You can set access control for individual users to the CIM objects within a name space by creating an instance of the Solaris_UserACL class. Then use the APIs to change the access rights for that instance. Similarly, you can set access control for name spaces by first creating an instance of the Solaris_NameSpaceACL class. Then using APIs, such as the createInstance method, to set the access rights for that instance.

You can combine the use of these two classes. First, use the Solaris_NameSpaceACL class to restrict access to all users for the objects in a name space. Then, use the Solaris_UserACL class to grant selected users access to the name space.

Solaris_UserAcl Class

The Solaris_UserAcl class inherits the string property capability with a default value r (read only) from theSolaris_Acl class.

You can set the capability property to any one of these values for access privileges.

Access Right 





Read and Write 




No access 

The Solaris_UserAcl class defines the following two key properties. Only one instance of the name space and user-name ACL pair can exist in a name space.


Data Type 




Identifies the name space to which this ACL applies 



Identifies the user to which this ACL applies 

ProcedureHow to Set Access Control for a User

  1. Create an instance of the Solaris_UserAcl class.

    For example:

    /* Create a name space object initialized with root\security
    (name of name space) on the local host. */
    CIMNameSpace cns = new CIMNameSpace("", "root\security");
    // Connect to the root\security name space as root. 
    cc = new CIMClient(cns, user, user_passwd);
    // Get the Solaris_UserAcl class 
    cimclass = cc.getClass(new CIMObjectPath("Solaris_UserAcl");
    // Create a new instance of the Solaris_UserAcl
    class ci = cimclass.newInstance();
  2. Set the capability property to the desired access rights.

    For example:

    /* Change the access rights (capability) to read/write for user Guest
    on objects in the root\molly name space.*/
    ci.setProperty("capability", new CIMValue(new String("rw")); 
    ci.setProperty("nspace", new CIMValue(new String("root\molly")); 
    ci.setProperty("username", new CIMValue(new String("guest"));
  3. Update the instance.

    For example:

    // Pass the updated instance to the CIM Object Manager 
    cc.createInstance(new CIMObjectPath(), ci);

Solaris_NamespaceAcl Class

The Solaris_NamespaceAcl inherits the string property capability with a default value r (read-only for all users) from the Solaris_Acl class. The Solaris_NamespaceAcl class defines this key property.


Data Type 




Identifies the name space to which this access control list applies. Only one instance of the name space ACL can exist in a name space. 

ProcedureHow to Set Access Control for a Name Space

  1. Create an instance of the Solaris_NamespaceAcl class.

    For example:

    /* Create a name space object initialized with root\security
    (name of name space) on the local host. */ 
    CIMNameSpace cns = new CIMNameSpace("", "root\security");
    // Connect to the root\security name space as root.
    cc = new CIMClient(cns, user, user_passwd);
    // Get the Solaris_namespaceAcl class 
    cimclass = cc.getClass(new CIMObjectPath("Solaris_namespaceAcl");
    // Create a new instance of the Solaris_namespaceAcl 
    class ci = cimclass.newInstance();
  2. Set the capability property to the desired access rights.

    For example:

    /* Change the access rights (capability) to read/write 
    to the root\molly name space. */
    ci.setProperty("capability", new CIMValue(new String("rw")); 
    ci.setProperty("nspace", new CIMValue(new String("root\molly"));
  3. Update the instance.

    For example:

    // Pass the updated instance to the CIM Object Manager 
    cc.createInstance(new CIMObjectPath(), ci);