Solaris WBEM Developer's Guide

Writing an Instance Provider

This following sample code implements the enumerateInstances and getInstance methods of the Ex_SimpleCIMInstanceProvider class. For brevity, the implementations of the deleteInstance, createInstance, setInstance, and execQuery methods in this example just throw a CIMException.

Note –

For information on implementing the execQuery method, see Parsing Queries.

Example 6–1 CIMInstance Provider

 * "@(#)"
import javax.wbem.cim.*;
import javax.wbem.client.*;
import javax.wbem.provider.CIMProvider;
import javax.wbem.provider.CIMInstanceProvider;
import javax.wbem.provider.MethodProvider;
import java.util.*;

public class SimpleCIMInstanceProvider implements CIMInstanceProvider {
     static int loop = 0;
     public void initialize(CIMOMHandle cimom) throws CIMException {
     public void cleanup() throws CIMException {
     public CIMObjectPath[] enumerateInstanceNames(CIMObjectPath op, 
                                                   CIMClass cc) 
         throws CIMException {
            return null;
      * enumerateInstances:
      * The entire instances and not just the names are returned.
     public CIMInstance[] enumerateInstances(CIMObjectPath op,
                          boolean localOnly,boolean includeQualifiers,
                          boolean includeClassOrigin,String[] 
                          propertyList, CIMClass cc) throws CIMException
     if (op.getObjectName().equalsIgnoreCase
                            ("Ex_SimpleCIMInstanceProvider")) {
         Vector instances = new Vector();
         CIMInstance ci = cc.newInstance();
         if (loop == 0){
             ci.setProperty("First", new CIMValue("red"));
             ci.setProperty("Last", new CIMValue("apple"));
             // only include the properties that were requested
             ci = ci.filterProperties(propertyList, includeQualifier,
             loop += 1;
         } else {
             ci.setProperty("First", new CIMValue("red"));
             ci.setProperty("Last", new CIMValue("apple"));
             // only include the requested properties
             ci = ci.filterProperties(propertyList, includeQualifier,
             ci = cc.newInstance();
             ci.setProperty("First", new CIMValue("green"));
             ci.setProperty("Last", new CIMValue("apple"));
             // only include the requested properties
             ci = ci.filterProperties(propertyList, includeQualifier,
         return (CIMInstance[])instances.toArray();
     throw new CIMException(CIM_ERR_INVALID_CLASS);

     public CIMInstance getInstance(CIMObjectPath op, 
                                    boolean localOnly, 
                                    boolean includeQualifiers, 
                                    boolean includeClassOrigin,
                                    String[] propertyList, 
                                    CIMClass cc) 
         throws CIMException {
             if (op.getObjectName().equalsIgnoreCase
                 CIMInstance ci = cc.newInstance();
                 // we need to get the keys from the passed in object path,
                 // this will uniquely identify the instance we want to get
                 java.util.Vector keys = cop.getKeys();
                 // Since this is a contrived example we will simply place 
                 // the keys into the instance and be done.
                 // if we had other non-key properties we should add them 

                 // only include the properties that were requested
                 ci = ci.filterProperties(propertyList, includeQualifiers,
                 return ci;
             throw new CIMException(CIM_ERR_INVALID_CLASS);

     public CIMInstance[] execQuery(CIMObjectPath op, \
                            String query, String ql, CIMClass cc)
           throws CIMException {
           throw(new CIMException(CIMException.CIM_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED));

     public void setInstance(CIMObjectPath op, CIMInstance ci, boolean 
                             includeQualifiers, String[] propertyList)
           throws CIMException {
           throw(new CIMException(CIMException.CIM_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED));

     public CIMObjectPath createInstance(CIMObjectPath op, 
                                         CIMInstance ci) 
                                         throws CIMException {
           throw(new CIMException(

     public void deleteInstance(CIMObjectPath cp) 
         throws CIMException {
         throw(new CIMException(CIMException.CIM_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED));