Solaris 10 What's New

USB 2.0 Devices

This description is new in the Solaris Express 2/03 release and updated in the Solaris Express 9/03 release. For Solaris 9 users, USB 2.0 device support is new in the Solaris 9 4/04 release.

USB 2.0 devices are defined as high-speed devices that follow the USB 2.0 specification. You can refer to the USB 2.0 specification at

Some of the USB devices that are supported in this Solaris release are as follows:

For a full listing of USB devices that have been verified on the Solaris release, go to:

Additional storage devices might work by modifying the scsa2usb.conf file. For more information, see the scsa2usb(7D) man page.

Solaris USB 2.0 device support includes the following features:

For more information on USB 2.0 device support, see the ehci(7D) and usba(7D) man pages.

For information about USB cables and bus-powered devices, see “About USB in the Solaris OS” in the System Administration Guide: Devices and File Systems.