System Administration Guide: Basic Administration

Oracle Java Web Console User Identity

By default, the web console runs under the user identity, noaccess. However, some system configurations disable the noaccess user, or set the login shell for the noaccess user to an invalid entry to make this user identity unusable.

When the noaccess user is not usable, the web console server cannot be started or configured, so an alternative user identity must be specified. Ideally, the user identity should be changed only once, before the console server is configured at initial startup.

You can configure the web console to run under an alternative non-root user identity by using either of the following commands before the console starts:

# smcwebserver start -u username

This command starts the web console server under the specified user identity. The web console server runs under this identity each time the server is subsequently started if the command is issued before the first console start.

If you are running at least the Solaris 10 11/06 release, you can also use this command:

# wcadmin add -p -a console com.sun.web.console.user=

Note –

Starting with the Solaris 10 11/06 release, when the system initially starts, the console also starts and is automatically configured to run under noaccess. Consequently, the user identity is set to noaccess before you are able to change the user identity. Use the following commands to reset the console to its initial unconfigured state. Then, specify a different user identity when you restart the console.

# smcwebserver stop
# /usr/share/webconsole/private/bin/wcremove -i console
# smcwebserver start -u new_user_identity

For the Oracle Solaris 10, Solaris 10 1/06, Solaris 10 6/06 releases, use this command:

# smreg add -p -c com.sun.web.console.user=username

This command causes the web console server to run under the specified user identity the next time the server starts, and each time the server is started.