Solaris System Management Agent Developer's Guide

Header Files for Entity MIB Functions

Data declarations and defines that are needed by the Entity MIB functions are included in header files. The following header files in /usr/demo/sma_snmp/demo_module_11 can be copied and modified for use with your own modules:







The structures defined in entPhysicalTable.h and entLogicalTable.h are shown in the following sections.

entPhysicalEntry_t Structure

The entPhysicalTable.h header file contains the typedef for the entPhysicalEntry_t structure. This structure is representative of the entPhysicalTable columns that are defined in RFC 2737. The entPhysicalEntry_t is defined as follows:

typedef struct entPhysicalEntry_s {
    int_l entPhysicalIndex;
    char *entPhysicalDescr;
    oid *entPhysicalVendorType;
    int_l entPhysicalVendorTypeSize;
    int_l entPhysicalContainedIn;
    int_l entPhysicalClass;
    int_l entPhysicalParentRelPos;
    char *entPhysicalName;
    char *entPhysicalHardwareRev;
    char *entPhysicalFirmwareRev;
    char *entPhysicalSoftwareRev;
    char *entPhysicalSerialNum;
    char *entPhysicalMfgName;
    char *entPhysicalModelName;
    char *entPhysicalAlias;
    char *entPhysicalAssetID;
    int_l entPhysicalIsFRU;
    struct entPhysicalEntry_s *pNextEntry;
} entPhysicalEntry_t;

entLogicalEntry_t Structure

The entLogicalTable.h header file contains the typedef for the entLogicalEntry_tstructure. This structure is representative of the entLogicalTable columns that are defined in RFC 2737. The entLogicalEntry_t is defined as follows:

typedef struct entLogicalEntry_s {

   int_l   entLogicalIndex;
   char *entLogicalDescr;
   oid  *entLogicalType;
   int_l   entLogicalTypeSize;
   char *entLogicalCommunity;
   char *entLogicalTAddress;
   oid  *entLogicalTDomain; 
   int_l   entLogicalTDomainSize; 
   char *entLogicalContextEngineId;
   char *entLogicalContextName;
   struct entLogicalEntry_s* pNextEntry;

} entLogicalEntry_t;