Solaris 10 Installation Guide: Solaris Live Upgrade and Upgrade Planning

ProcedureTo View the Configuration of Each Inactive Boot Environment (Character User Interface)

  1. From the main menu, select List.

  2. To view the status of a boot environment, type the name.

    Name of Boot Environment: solaris8
  3. Press F3.

    The following example displays a list.

    Filesystem                fstype       size(Mb) Mounted on
    /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s1         swap           512.11 -
    /dev/dsk/c0t4d0s3         ufs           3738.29 /
    /dev/dsk/c0t4d0s4         ufs            510.24 /opt
  4. To return to the List menu, press F6.