Oracle Solaris Trusted Extensions Administrator's Procedures
 access, See computer access
 access policy
  devices ( Index Term Link )
  Discretionary Access Control (DAC) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  Mandatory Access Control (MAC) ( Index Term Link )
  Admin Editor action ( Index Term Link )
  administrative tools ( Index Term Link )
  audit records by label ( Index Term Link )
  devices ( Index Term Link )
  global zone ( Index Term Link )
  home directories ( Index Term Link )
  printers ( Index Term Link )
  remote multilevel desktop ( Index Term Link )
  Solaris Management Console ( Index Term Link )
  trusted CDE actions ( Index Term Link )
  ZFS dataset mounted in lower-level zone from higher-level zone ( Index Term Link )
 account locking, preventing ( Index Term Link )
  See roles
  See also users
 accreditation checks ( Index Term Link )
 accreditation ranges, label_encodings file ( Index Term Link )
  See also individual actions by name
  adding new Trusted CDE actions ( Index Term Link )
  Admin Editor ( Index Term Link )
  Device Allocation Manager ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  list of trusted CDE ( Index Term Link )
  Name Service Switch ( Index Term Link )
  restricted by rights profiles ( Index Term Link )
  use differences between CDE and Trusted CDE ( Index Term Link )
 add_allocatable command ( Index Term Link )
 Add Allocatable Device action ( Index Term Link )
 Admin Editor action ( Index Term Link )
  opening ( Index Term Link )
 ADMIN_HIGH label ( Index Term Link )
 ADMIN_LOW label
  lowest label ( Index Term Link )
  protecting administrative files ( Index Term Link )
  account locking ( Index Term Link )
  assigning device authorizations ( Index Term Link )
  audio device to play music ( Index Term Link )
  auditing in Trusted Extensions ( Index Term Link )
  changing label of information ( Index Term Link )
  convenient authorizations for users ( Index Term Link )
  device allocation ( Index Term Link )
  device authorizations ( Index Term Link )
  devices ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  file systems
   mounting ( Index Term Link )
   overview ( Index Term Link )
   troubleshooting ( Index Term Link )
   backing up ( Index Term Link )
   restoring ( Index Term Link )
  from the global zone ( Index Term Link )
  labeled printing ( Index Term Link )
  LDAP ( Index Term Link )
  mail ( Index Term Link )
  multilevel ports ( Index Term Link )
  network in Trusted Extensions ( Index Term Link )
  network of users ( Index Term Link )
  PostScript printing ( Index Term Link )
  printing in Trusted Extensions ( Index Term Link )
  printing interoperability with Trusted Solaris 8 ( Index Term Link )
  quick reference for administrators ( Index Term Link )
  remote host database ( Index Term Link )
  remote host templates ( Index Term Link )
  remotely ( Index Term Link )
  remotely from command line ( Index Term Link )
  remotely with dtappsession ( Index Term Link )
  remotely with Solaris Management Console ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  routes with security attributes ( Index Term Link )
  serial line for login ( Index Term Link )
  sharing file systems ( Index Term Link )
  startup files for users ( Index Term Link )
  Sun Ray printing ( Index Term Link )
  system files ( Index Term Link )
  third-party software ( Index Term Link )
  timeout when relabeling information ( Index Term Link )
  trusted network databases ( Index Term Link )
  trusted networking ( Index Term Link )
  unlabeled printing ( Index Term Link )
  user privileges ( Index Term Link )
  users ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  zones ( Index Term Link )
  zones from Trusted JDS ( Index Term Link )
 Administering Trusted Extensions Remotely (Task Map) ( Index Term Link )
 administrative actions
  See also actions
  accessing ( Index Term Link )
  in CDE ( Index Term Link )
  in Trusted_Extensions folder ( Index Term Link )
  list of trusted CDE ( Index Term Link )
  starting remotely ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  trusted ( Index Term Link )
 administrative labels ( Index Term Link )
 administrative roles, See roles
 Administrative Roles tool ( Index Term Link )
 administrative tools
  accessing ( Index Term Link )
  commands ( Index Term Link )
  description ( Index Term Link )
  Device Allocation Manager ( Index Term Link )
  in Trusted_Extensions folder ( Index Term Link )
  label builder ( Index Term Link )
  Labeled Zone Manager ( Index Term Link )
  Solaris Management Console ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  Trusted CDE actions ( Index Term Link )
  txzonemgr script ( Index Term Link )
 allocate command ( Index Term Link )
 Allocate Device authorization ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 allocate error state, correcting ( Index Term Link )
 allocating, using Device Allocation Manager ( Index Term Link )
  evaluating for security ( Index Term Link )
  installing ( Index Term Link )
  trusted and trustworthy ( Index Term Link )
  editor as the trusted editor ( Index Term Link )
  privileges to users ( Index Term Link )
  rights profiles ( Index Term Link )
 Assume Role menu item ( Index Term Link )
 assuming, roles ( Index Term Link )
 atohexlabel command ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
 audio devices
  automatically starting an audio player ( Index Term Link )
  preventing remote allocation ( Index Term Link )
 audit_class file, action for editing ( Index Term Link )
 Audit Classes action ( Index Term Link )
 audit classes for Trusted Extensions, list of new X audit classes ( Index Term Link )
 Audit Control action ( Index Term Link )
 audit_control file, action for editing ( Index Term Link )
 audit_event file ( Index Term Link )
 Audit Events action ( Index Term Link )
 audit events for Trusted Extensions, list of ( Index Term Link )
 audit policy in Trusted Extensions ( Index Term Link )
 audit records in Trusted Extensions, policy ( Index Term Link )
 Audit Review profile, reviewing audit records ( Index Term Link )
 Audit Startup action ( Index Term Link )
 audit_startup command, action for editing ( Index Term Link )
 Audit Tasks of the System Administrator ( Index Term Link )
 audit tokens for Trusted Extensions
  label token ( Index Term Link )
  list of ( Index Term Link )
  xatom token ( Index Term Link )
  xclient token ( Index Term Link )
  xcolormap token ( Index Term Link )
  xcursor token ( Index Term Link )
  xfont token ( Index Term Link )
  xgc token ( Index Term Link )
  xpixmap token ( Index Term Link )
  xproperty token ( Index Term Link )
  xselect token ( Index Term Link )
  xwindow token ( Index Term Link )
 auditconfig command ( Index Term Link )
 auditing in Trusted Extensions
  additional audit events ( Index Term Link )
  additional audit policies ( Index Term Link )
  additional audit tokens ( Index Term Link )
  additions to existing auditing commands ( Index Term Link )
  differences from Solaris auditing ( Index Term Link )
  reference ( Index Term Link )
  roles for administering ( Index Term Link )
  security administrator tasks ( Index Term Link )
  system administrator tasks ( Index Term Link )
  tasks ( Index Term Link )
  X audit classes ( Index Term Link )
 auditreduce command ( Index Term Link )
  adding new device authorizations ( Index Term Link )
  Allocate Device ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  assigning ( Index Term Link )
  assigning device authorizations ( Index Term Link )
  authorizing a user or role to change label ( Index Term Link )
  Configure Device Attributes ( Index Term Link )
  convenient for users ( Index Term Link )
  creating customized device authorizations ( Index Term Link )
  creating local and remote device authorizations ( Index Term Link )
  customizing for devices ( Index Term Link )
  granted ( Index Term Link )
  Print Postscript ( Index Term Link )
  Print PostScript ( Index Term Link )
  profiles that include device allocation authorizations ( Index Term Link )
  Revoke or Reclaim Device ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  solaris.print.nobanner ( Index Term Link ) ( Index Term Link )
  device allocation ( Index Term Link )
  PostScript printing ( Index Term Link )
  unlabeled printing ( Index Term Link )
 automount command ( Index Term Link )