Localization and Fonts

The JavaHelp system displays information using the host's default fonts. If a helpset contains information that cannot be presented using the default fonts, an alternate font glyph (usually a square) is displayed in its place.

The JavaHelp presentation font can be changed either by modifying the font.properties file in the JRE or by setting the font in the HelpBroker or JHelp* components.

The HelpBroker.setFont(Font f) method sets the font for a JavaHelp presentation and propagates the font to all of the presentation components. JHelp* components can set their fonts using the setFont() method.

For more information about Unicode font support and adding fonts to the JRE, please refer to the Fonts section in the following documents:

See also:

Localizing Help Information
Localizing Help Presentation
Localizing Helpsets
Localizing XML Data
Localizing HTML Data
Localizing the Full-Text Search Database