Manuel de suivi dynamique Solaris


Plusieurs sondes proc comprennent un argument du type psinfo_t, structure abordée dans proc(4). La définition de la structure psinfo_t, telle qu'accessible aux clients DTrace, est la suivante :

typedef struct psinfo {
	int     pr_nlwp;            /* number of active lwps in the process */
	pid_t   pr_pid;             /* unique process id */
	pid_t   pr_ppid;            /* process id of parent */
	pid_t   pr_pgid;            /* pid of process group leader */
	pid_t   pr_sid;             /* session id */
	uid_t   pr_uid;             /* real user id */
	uid_t   pr_euid;            /* effective user id */
	gid_t   pr_gid;             /* real group id */
	gid_t   pr_egid;            /* effective group id */
	uintptr_t pr_addr;          /* address of process */
	dev_t   pr_ttydev;          /* controlling tty device (or PRNODEV) */
	timestruc_t pr_start;       /* process start time, from the epoch */
	char    pr_fname[PRFNSZ];   /* name of execed file */
	char    pr_psargs[PRARGSZ]; /* initial characters of arg list */
	int     pr_argc;            /* initial argument count */
	uintptr_t pr_argv;          /* address of initial argument vector */
	uintptr_t pr_envp;          /* address of initial environment vector */
	char    pr_dmodel;          /* data model of the process */
	taskid_t pr_taskid;         /* task id */
	projid_t pr_projid;         /* project id */
	poolid_t pr_poolid;         /* pool id */
	zoneid_t pr_zoneid;         /* zone id */
} psinfo_t;

Le champ pr_dmodel est défini sur PR_MODEL_ILP32, représentant un processus 32 bits ou sur PR_MODEL_LP64, représentant un processus 64 bits.