Solaris 10 8/07 Installation Guide: Planning for Installation and Upgrade

State Database and State Database Replicas

The state database is a database that stores information on a physical disk. The state database records and tracks changes that are made to your configuration. Solaris Volume Manager automatically updates the state database when a configuration or state change occurs. Creating a new volume is an example of a configuration change. A submirror failure is an example of a state change.

The state database is actually a collection of multiple, replicated database copies. Each copy, referred to as a state database replica, ensures that the data in the database is always valid. Having copies of the state database protects against data loss from single points of failure. The state database tracks the location and status of all known state database replicas.

Solaris Volume Manager cannot operate until you have created the state database and its state database replicas. A Solaris Volume Manager configuration must have an operating state database.

The state database replicas ensure that the data in the state database is always valid. When the state database is updated, each state database replica is also updated. The updates occur one at a time to protect against corruption of all updates if the system crashes.

If your system loses a state database replica, Solaris Volume Manager must identify which state database replicas still contain valid data. Solaris Volume Manager determines this information by using a majority consensus algorithm. This algorithm requires that a majority (half + 1) of the state database replicas be available and in agreement before any of them are considered valid. Because of this majority consensus algorithm, you must create at least three state database replicas when you set up your disk configuration. A consensus can be reached if at least two of the three state database replicas are available.

Each state database replica occupies 4 Mbytes (8192 disk sectors) of disk storage by default. Replicas can be stored on the following devices:

Replicas cannot be stored on the root (/), swap, or /usr slices, or on slices that contain existing file systems or data. After the replicas have been stored, volumes or file systems can be placed on the same slice.

You can keep more than one copy of a state database on one slice. However, you might make the system more vulnerable to a single point of failure by placing state database replicas on a single slice.


For More Information 

When using custom JumpStart or Solaris Live Upgrade to install RAID-1 volumes, review these guidelines and requirements. 

State Database Replicas Guidelines and Requirements

Obtain more detailed information about the state database and state database replicas. 

Solaris Volume Manager Administration Guide