Solaris 10 5/09 Installation Guide: Custom JumpStart and Advanced Installations

ProcedureTo Create a Temporary Solaris Environment to Test a Profile

To test a profile for a particular Solaris release successfully and accurately, you must test a profile within the Solaris environment of the same release. For example, if you want to test a Solaris initial installation profile, run the pfinstall command on a system that is running the Solaris OS.

You need to create a temporary installation environment if you are testing a profile under one of the following conditions:

  1. Boot a system from an image of one of the following:

    For SPARC based systems:

    • Solaris Operating System for SPARC Platforms DVD

    • Solaris Software for SPARC Platforms - 1 CD

    For x86 based systems:

    • Solaris Operating System for x86 Platforms DVD

    • Solaris Software for x86 Platforms - 1 CD

    Note –

    If you want to test an upgrade profile, boot the system that you are upgrading.

  2. Respond to the system identification questions.

  3. To exit from the installation program, type ! at the following prompt.

    The Solaris installation program  will assist you in installing software for Solaris.
    <Press ENTER to continue> {"!" exits}
  4. Execute the pfinstall command from the shell. For details about using the pfinstall command, see Step 7 in To Test a Profile.