Solaris 10 10/09 Release Notes

Unrecoverable Machine-Check Exception on PCIe (6797934)

Some IBM systems either hang or panic after install. The following panic message is displayed:

Unrecoverable Machine-Check Exception

Workaround 1: Add the following line to the /etc/system file after installation to avoid system hang:

set pcie:pcie_aer_ce_mask=0x11C1

Workaround 2: If the system panics during install or during boot after the install, then use this workaround. Boot the system, with -kd option and set it in the kmdb debugger:

::bp pcie`pcie_initchild
pcie_aer_ce_mask/W 11C1
:d all

When the system comes up append the following line to the /etc/system file to make the changes permanent:

set pcie:pcie_aer_ce_mask=0x11C1