Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.3 Administration Guide

ProcedureTo Configure an LDIF Data View

You cannot use DSCC to perform this task. Use the command line, as described in this procedure.

  1. View the properties of an LDIF data view.

    $ dpconf get-ldif-data-view-prop -h host -p port view-name

    An LDIF data view has the following default properties:

    alternate-search-base-dn                    :  ""
    alternate-search-base-dn                    :  dc=com
    attr-name-mappings                          :  none
    base-dn                                     :  suffixDN
    bind-pwd-attr                               :  userPassword
    contains-shared-entries                     :  -
    db-pwd-encryption                           :  clear-text
    description                                 :  -
    distribution-algorithm                      :  -
    dn-join-rule                                :  -
    dn-mapping-attrs                            :  none
    dn-mapping-source-base-dn                   :  none
    excluded-subtrees                           :  -
    filter-join-rule                            :  -
    is-enabled                                  :  true
    is-read-only                                :  false
    is-routable                                 :  true
    ldif-data-source                            :  /path/to/filename.ldif
    lexicographic-attrs                         :  all
    lexicographic-lower-bound                   :  none
    lexicographic-upper-bound                   :  none
    non-viewable-attr                           :  -
    non-writable-attr                           :  -
    numeric-attrs                               :  all
    numeric-default-data-view                   :  false
    numeric-lower-bound                         :  none
    numeric-upper-bound                         :  none
    pattern-matching-base-object-search-filter  :  all
    pattern-matching-dn-regular-expression      :  all
    pattern-matching-one-level-search-filter    :  all
    pattern-matching-subtree-search-filter      :  all
    process-bind                                :  -
    replication-role                            :  master
    viewable-attr                               :  all except non-viewable-attr
    writable-attr                               :  all except non-writable-attr
  2. Change one or more of the properties that are listed in Step 1.

    $ dpconf set-ldif-data-view-prop -h host -p port view-name property:value \
     [property:value ... ]

    For example, to change the source LDIF file for the data view, set the ldif-data-source property.

    $ dpconf set-ldif-data-view-prop -h host1 -p 1389 -D cn="Proxy Manager" \
    myLDIFDataView ldif-data-source:/local/files/example.ldif