Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.3 Troubleshooting Guide

Verifying Subcomponent Installation

Verify that all of the subcomponents are installed. Subcomponent installation must be done after the connector is installed. The subcomponents installed depend upon the connectors used as follows:

For the Windows NT SAM Change Detector subcomponent to be effective, you must turn on the Windows NT audit log. To turn on the audit log, use the following procedure and then select Policies -> Audit Policies. Select Audit These Events and then both the Success and Failure boxes for User and Group Management.

ProcedureTo Turn on the Windows NT Audit Log

  1. In the Start menu, select Programs, then Administrative Tools and User Manager.

  2. In the Event Viewer, select Event Log Settings and then Event Log Wrapping.

  3. Select Overwrite Events as Needed.