Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.3.1 Release Notes

ProcedureTo Upgrade Directory Server Enterprise Edition to 6.3.1 Using ZIP Distribution

Before You Begin

Caution – Caution –

Back up the Directory Server Enterprise Edition installation directory, if any, before upgrading to Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.3.1, as later you will not be able to restore any previous Directory Server Enterprise Edition installation.

You can install the zip distribution as a non-root user.

The dsee_deploy command automatically updates the installation if it finds any previous installation. However, in the case of SuSE Linux 9 and HP-UX, before you upgrade the Directory Server Enterprise Edition installation, you must first upgrade the operating system to SuSE Linux 9 SP4 and HP-UX 11.23 respectively. Then use following procedure to upgrade your Directory Server Enterprise Edition installation to 6.3.1.

  1. Stop CACAO and any running instances of Directory Server and Directory Proxy Server associated with the installation that you intend to patch. Also stop the application server that hosts the WAR file and the DSCC registry.

  2. If the system you are upgrading is hosted on SuSE Linux 9 or HP-UX, upgrade your operating system.

    • Upgrade SuSE Linux 9 SP3 to SuSE Linux 9 SP4.

      On SuSE 64-bit, .pam-32bit-9-yyyymmddhhmm.rpm is a prerequisite for CACAO to start, and you must install it if it is not already present on your system.

    • Because Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.0 and 6.1 support only HP-UX 11.11, you must upgrade your operating system to HP-UX 11.23 before upgrading Directory Server Enterprise Edition to 6.3.1.

    Refer to the operating system documentation for information about how to upgrade the operating system, how to preserve the partition where Directory Server Enterprise Edition is installed, and where to get the latest patch bundles.

  3. Upgrade Directory Server Enterprise Edition to 6.3.1

    1. Use the dsee_deploy command from Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.3.1 zip distribution, with the same installation path, and CACAO port used your previous installation of Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.0, 6.1, 6.2, or 6.3. The dsee_deploy command will restart CACAO and DSCC registry.

      1. Obtain the zip distribution for this installation.

        Refer to the following table for information about the appropriate zip patch for your system. If newer patch revisions become available, use the newer ones instead of those shown in the table.

        All the multilingual files are included in the above mentioned patches.

        Operating System 

        Patch number 

        Solaris SPARC 


        Solaris 9 x86 


        Solaris 10 x86 and AMD x64 


        Red Hat Linux 


        SuSE Linux 






      2. Install the prerequisite patches or service packs for your platform, as described in Operating System Requirements.

      3. Change to the zip distribution directory that contains the dsee_deploy command.

      4. Upgrade your Directory Server Enterprise Edition installation currently installed at install_path with the dsee_deploy(1M) command.

         $ ./dsee_deploy install -i install-path options

        On Windows installations, browse to the zip distribution folder that contains the dsee_deploy command and run the following command:

        dsee_deploy install -i install-path options

        For example, the following command upgrades your existing Directory Server Enterprise Edition previously installed at /local directory, assuming that you have write access to the directory.

        $ ./dsee_deploy install -i /local

        You can also use the --no-inter option to install in non-interactive mode, accepting the license without confirmation. Non-interactive mode is particularly useful for silent installation.

        During the installation process, a WAR file is saved on your system. The WAR file contains the DSCC web application which when deployed with the application server enables you to access and manage the server instances through web console. The functionality is similar to DSCC in native packages. For more information about the WAR file, see Installing Directory Service Control Center From Zip Distribution in Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.3 Installation Guide.

        During the installation process, the multilingual packages are also installed.

      5. Deploy the latest dscc.war file in the application server

        For step-by- step information, refer to Installing Directory Service Control Center From Zip Distribution in Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.3 Installation Guide.

      6. Restart Directory Server and Directory Proxy Server instances and the application server for WAR file.

  4. Start daemons only when both operating system and Directory Server Enterprise Edition are upgraded.