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Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition Bundle Patch Release Notes
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Document Information


1.  Compatibility Issues

Platform Support

System Virtualization Support

Directory Server Changes

Directory Proxy Server Changes

Identity Synchronization for Windows Changes

Directory Server Resource Kit Changes

Software Support

2.  Installation Notes

3.  Directory Server Bugs Fixed and Known Problems

4.  Directory Proxy Server Bugs Fixed and Known Problems

5.  Identity Synchronization for Windows Bugs Fixed and Known Problems

6.  Directory Editor Bugs Fixed and Known Problems

7.  Directory Server Resource Kit Bugs Fixed and Known Problems

Directory Proxy Server Changes

Directory Server Enterprise Edition Bundle Patch can manage any 6.x instances of Directory Proxy Server; no migration is required. You must migrate all Directory Proxy Server 5.x instances before using with the Directory Proxy Server commands. See “Chapter 6, Migrating Directory Proxy Server” in the Sun Java System Directory Server Enterprise Edition 6.3 Migration Guide for details.