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Sun Java System Identity Server 2004Q2 Administration Guide 

Chapter 1
Identity Server 2004Q2 Configuration Scripts

This chapter describes how to configure and deploy Sun Java™ System Identity Server (formerly Sun™ ONE Identity Server) using the amconfig script and the sample silent mode input file (amsamplesilent). Topics include:


Identity Server 2004Q2 Installation Overview

For a new installation, always install the first instance of Identity Server 2004Q2 by running the Sun Java Enterprise System installer. When you run the installer, you can select either of these configuration options for Identity Server:

For information about the installer, refer to the Sun Java Enterprise System 2004Q2 Installation Guide (

The Java Enterprise System installer installs the Identity Server 2004Q2 amconfig script and sample silent mode input file (amsamplesilent) in the IdentityServer_base/SUNWam/bin directory on Solaris systems or the IdentityServer_base/identity/bin directory on Linux systems.

IdentityServer_base represents the Identity Server base installation directory. On Solaris systems, the default base installation directory is /opt, and on Linux systems, it is /opt/sun. However, you can specify another directory, if you prefer, when you run the installer.

The amconfig script is a top-level script that calls other scripts as needed to perform the requested operation. For more information, see the Identity Server amconfig Script.

The sample silent mode input file (amsamplesilent) is an example of an input file that you must specify when you run the amconfig script in silent mode.

This sample silent mode input file is an ASCII text file that contains Identity Server configuration variables. Before you run the amconfig script, copy (and rename, if you wish) the amsamplesilent file, and then edit the variables in the file. The configuration variables are in the following format:


For example:


For a list of the variables you can set in a silent mode input file, see the Identity Server Sample Silent Mode Input File.


The format of the silent mode input file used when you run the amconfig script in silent mode does not follow the same format or necessarily use the same variable names as a Java Enterprise System silent installation state file. This file contains sensitive data, such as the admin password. Make sure to protect or delete this file as appropriate.

Identity Server amconfig Script Operations

After you install first instance of Identity Server using the Sun Java Enterprise System installer, you can run the amconfig script to perform the following operations, depending on the values of the variables in the silent mode input file:

Identity Server Sample Silent Mode Input File

After you run the Java Enterprise System installer, the Identity Server sample silent mode input file (amsamplesilent) is available in the IdentityServer_base/SUNWam/bin directory on Solaris systems or the IdentityServer_base/identity/bin directory on Linux systems.

To set configuration variables, first copy and rename the amsamplesilent file. Then set the variables in the copy for the operation you want to perform.

This sample silent mode input file contains the following configuration variables:

Deployment Mode Variable

Table 1-1 describes the values for the required DEPLOY_LEVEL variable. This variable determines the operation you want the amconfig script to perform.

Table 1-1  Identity Server DEPLOY_LEVEL Variable 


DEPLOY_LEVEL Variable Value and Description


  1 = Full Identity Server installation for a new instance (default)

  2 = Install Identity Server console only

  3 = Install Identity Server SDK only

  4 = Install SDK only and configure the container

  5 = Install Federation Management module only

  6 = Install server only

Uninstall (unconfigure)

11 = Full uninstall

12 = Uninstall console only

13 = Uninstall SDK only

14 = Uninstall SDK only and unconfigure the container

15 = Uninstall Federation Management module

16 = Uninstall server only


(also referred to as re-deploy or re-configure)

21 = Full re-install

32 = Re-install console only

31 = Re-install SDK only

33= Re-install SDK console only

35 = Re-install Federation Management module

26 = Re-install server only

Identity Server Configuration Variables

Table 1-2 describes the Identity Server configuration variables.

Table 1-2  Identity Server Configuration Variables 




Base installation directory for Identity Server packages.


For Solaris systems, PLATFORM_DEFAULT is /opt

For Linux systems, PLATFORM_DEFAULT is /opt/sun


Fully qualified host name of the system where Identity Server is running (or will be installed).

For a remote SDK installation, set this variable to the host where Identity Server is (or will be) installed and not the remote client host.


Identity Server port number. Default: 58080

For a remote SDK installation, set this variable to the port on the host where Identity Server is (or will be) installed and not the remote client host.


Server protocol: http or https. Default: http

For a remote SDK installation, set this variable to the protocol on the host where Identity Server is (or will be) installed and not the remote client host.


Fully qualified host name of the server where the console is installed.

Default: Value provided for the Identity Server host (SERVER_HOST variable)


Port of the web container where the console is installed and listens for connections.

Default: Value provided for the Identity Server port (SERVER_PORT variable)


Protocol of the web container where the console is installed.

Default: Server protocol (SERVER_PROTOCOL variable)


Set to true if the console is remote from the Identity Server services. Otherwise, set to false. Default: false


Fully qualified host name of Directory Server.


Directory Server port. Default: 389.


Directory manager DN: the user who has unrestricted access to Directory Server.

Default: "cn=Directory Manager"


Password for the directory manager (DS_DIRMGRDN variable).

See the note about special characters in the description of ADMINPASSWD.


Initial or root suffix of the directory. You must make sure that this value exists in the Directory Server you are using.

See the note about special characters in the description of ADMINPASSWD.


Password for the administrator (amadmin). Must be different from the password for amldapuser.

Note: If the password contains special characters such as a slash (/) or backslash (\), the special character must be enclosed by single quotes (‘). For example:


However, the password cannot have a single quote as one of the actual password characters.


Password for amldapuser. Must be different from the password for amadmin.

See the note about special characters in the description of ADMINPASSWD.


URI prefix for accessing the HTML pages, classes and JAR files associated with the Identity Server Administration Console subcomponent.

Default: /amconsole


URI prefix for accessing the HTML pages, classes, and JAR files associated with the Identity Management and Policy Services Core subcomponent.

Default: /amserver


URI that determines the mapping that the web container running Identity Server will use between a string you specify and a corresponding deployed application.

Default: /ampassword


URI prefix for accessing the common domain services on the web container.

Default: /amcommon


Names of the trusted DNS domains that Identity Server returns to a browser when it grants a session ID to a user. At least one value should be present. In general, the format is the server’s domain name preceded with a period.



Path to the Java 2 home directory. Default: /usr/jdk/entsys-j2se


Password encryption key: String that Identity Server uses to encrypt user passwords. Default: none

Important: If you are deploying multiple instances of Identity Server or the remote SDK, all instances must use the same password encryption key. When you deploy an additional instance, copy the value from the am.encryption.pwd property in the file for the first instance.


Locale of the platform. Default: en_US (US English)


New owner for the Identity Server files after installation. Default: root


New group for the Identity Server files after installation. Default: other

For a Linux installation, set NEW_GROUP to root.


XML encoding. Default: ISO-8859-1


Specifies whether the configuration script should deploy Identity Server to a new user-created web container instance:

  • true = To deploy Identity Server to a new user-created web container instance other than the instance created by the Java Enterprise System installer.
  • false = To re-configure an instance.

Default: false

Web Container Configuration Variables

To specify the web container for Identity Server, set the WEB_CONTAINER variable in the silent mode input file, as described in Table 1-3.

Table 1-3  Identity Server WEB_CONTAINER Variable


Web Container

WS6 (default) 

Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 SP2


Sun Java System Application Server 7.0 Update 3


BEA WebLogic Server 6.1 SP4 and SP5 (with the Identity Server SDK only)


BEA WebLogic Server 8.1 (with the Identity Server SDK only)


IBM WebSphere 5.1 (with the Identity Server SDK only)

Sun Java System Web Server 6.1 SP2

Table 1-4 describes the configuration variables for Web Server 6.1 SP2 in the silent mode input file.

Table 1-4  Web Server 6.1 SP2 Configuration Variables 




Name of the Web Server instance on which Identity Server will be deployed or un-deployed.

Default: https-web-server-instance-name

where web-server-instance-name is the Identity Server host (SERVER_HOST variable)


Web Server base installation directory.

Default: /opt/SUNWwbsvr


Protocol used by the Web Server instance set by the WS61_INSTANCE variable where Identity Server will be deployed: http or https.

Default: Identity Server protocol (SERVER_PROTOCOL variable)


Fully qualified host name for the Web Server instance (WS61_INSTANCE variable).

Default: Identity Server host instance (SERVER_HOST variable)


Port on which Web Server listens for connections.

Default: Identity Server port number (SERVER_PORT variable)


Port on which the Web Server Administration Server listens for connections.

Default: 58888


User ID of the Web Server administrator.

Default: "admin"


Specifies whether a secure port is enabled:

  • true: Secure port is enabled (HTTPS protocol). If the container is SSL enabled, the configuration script will use the SSL_PASSWORD variable to start the server without requiring user intervention.
  • false: Secure port is not enabled (HTTP protocol).

Default: false (not enabled)

Sun Java System Application Server 7.0 Update 3

Table 1-5 describes the configuration variables for Application Server 7.0 Update 3 in the silent mode input file.

Table 1-5  Application Server 7.0 Update 3 Configuration Variables 




Path to the directory where Application Server 7.0 is installed.

Default: /opt/SUNWappserver7


Protocol used by the Application Server instance: http or https.

Default: Identity Server protocol (SERVER_PROTOCOL variable)


Fully qualified domain name (FQDN) on which the Application Server instance listens for connections.

Default: Identity Server host (SERVER_HOST variable)


Port on which Application Server instance listens for connections.

Default: Identity Server port number (SERVER_PORT variable)


Port on which the Application Server administration server listens for connections.

Default: 4848


Name of the user who administers the Application Server administration server for the domain into which Application Server is being displayed.

Default: admin


Password for the Application Server administrator for the domain into which Application Server is being displayed.

See the note about special characters in the description of ADMINPASSWD.


Name of the Application Server instance that will run Identity Server.

Default: server1


Path to the Application Server directory for the domain to which you want to deploy this Identity Server instance.

Default: domain1


Path to the directory where Application Server stores files for the instance.

Default: /var/opt/SUNWappserver7/domains/domain1/server1


Directory where Application Server stores content documents.

Default: /var/opt/SUNWappserver7/domains/domain1/server1/docroot


Specifies whether a secure port is enabled:

  • true: Secure port is enabled (HTTPS protocol). If the container is SSL enabled, the configuration script will use the SSL_PASSWORD variable to start the server without requiring user intervention.
  • false: Secure port is not enabled (HTTP protocol).

Default: false (not enabled)

During installation, if the Application Server admin port is SSL enabled, configuration will fail. Do not use the admin server in https mode.

BEA WebLogic Server 6.1 SP4 and SP5

Table 1-6 describes the configuration variables for BEA WebLogic Server 6.1 in the silent mode input file.

Table 1-6  BEA WebLogic Server 6.1 SP4 and SP5 Configuration Variables 




WebLogic home directory. Default: /export/bea61a


WebLogic project directory. Default: user_projects


WebLogic domain name. Default: mydomain


WebLogic server name. Default: myserver


WebLogic instance name. Default: WS61_HOME/wlserver6.1


WebLogic protocol. Default: http


WebLogic host name.


WebLogic port. Default: 7001


WebLogic SSL port. Default: 7002


WebLogic administrator. Default: “system”


WebLogic administrator password.

See the note about special characters in the description of ADMINPASSWD.


WebLogic JDK home directory. Default: WS61_HOME/jdk131

BEA WebLogic Server 8.1

Table 1-7 describes the configuration variables for BEA WebLogic Server 8.1 in the silent mode input file.

Table 1-7  BEA WebLogic Server 8.1 Configuration Variables 




WebLogic home directory. Default: /export/bea8


WebLogic project directory. Default: projects


WebLogic domain name. Default: mydomain


WebLogic server name. Default: myserver


WebLogic instance name. Default: /export/bea8/weblogic81


WebLogic protocol. Default: http


WebLogic host name. Default: none


WebLogic port. Default: 7001


WebLogic SSL port. Default: 7002


WebLogic administrator. Default: "system"


WebLogic administrator password.

See the note about special characters in the description of ADMINPASSWD.


WebLogic JDK home directory. Default: WL8_HOME/jdk141_03


Specifies whether a secure port is enabled:

  • true: Secure port is enabled (HTTPS protocol).
  • false: Secure port is not enabled (HTTP protocol).

Default: false (not enabled)

IBM WebSphere 5.1

Table 1-8 describes the configuration variables for IBM WebSphere Server 5.1 in the silent mode input file.

Table 1-8  IBM WebSphere 5.1 Configuration Variables 




WebSphere home directory. Default: /opt/WebSphere/AppServer


WebSphere JDK home directory. Default: /opt/WebSphere/AppServer/java


WebSphere cell. Default: sample


WebSphere domain name. Default: mydomain


WebSphere node name. Default: host name of the server where WebSphere is installed. Default: sample


WebSphere instance name. Default: server1


WebSphere protocol. Default: http


WebSphere host name. Default: sample


WebSphere port. Default: 9080


WebSphere SSL port. Default: 9081


WebSphere administrator. Default: "admin"


WebSphere administrator port. Default: 9090


Specifies whether a secure port is enabled:

  • true: Secure port is enabled (HTTPS protocol).
  • false: Secure port is not enabled (HTTP protocol).

Default: false (not enabled)

Directory Server Configuration Variables

Identity Server 2004Q2 supports Sun ONE Directory Server 5.1 and Sun Java System Directory Server 5 2004Q2. Table 1-9 describes the Directory Server configuration variables in the silent mode input file.

Table 1-9  Directory Server Configuration Variables 




Directory Server modes:

1 = Use for a new installation of a Directory Information Tree (DIT).

2 = Use for an existing DIT. The naming attributes and object classes are the same, so the configuration scripts load the installExisting.ldif and umsExisting.ldif files.

The configuration scripts also update the LDIF and properties files with the actual values entered during configuration (for example, BASE_DIR, SERVER_HOST, and ROOT_SUFFIX).

This update is also referred to as “tag swapping,” because the configuration scripts replace the placeholder tags in the files with the actual configuration values.

3 = Use for an existing DIT when you want to do a manual load. The naming attributes and object classes are different, so the configuration scripts do not load the installExisting.ldif and umsExisting.ldif files. The scripts perform tag swapping (described for mode 2).

You should inspect and modify (if needed) the LDIF files and then manually load the LDIF files and services.

4 = Use for an existing multi-server installation. The configuration scripts do not load the LDIF files and services, because the operation is against an existing Identity Server installation. The scripts perform tag swapping only (described for mode 2) and adds a server entry in the platform list.

5 = Use for an existing upgrade. The scripts perform tag swapping only (described for mode 2).

Default: 1


User naming attribute: Unique identifier for the user or resource within its relative name space. Default: uid


Naming attribute of the user’s company or organization. Default: o


Organization object class. Default: sunManagedOrganization


User object class. Default: inetOrgPerson


Default organization name. Default: none

Identity Server amconfig Script

After your run the Java Enterprise System installer, the amconfig script is available in the IdentityServer_base/SUNWam/bin directory on Solaris systems or the IdentityServer_base/identity/bin directory on Linux systems.

The amconfig script reads a silent install input file and then calls other scripts in silent mode, as needed to perform the requested operation.

To run the amconfig script, use this syntax:

amconfig [ -s input-file ]


-s runs amconfig in silent mode.

input-file is a silent install input file that contains the configuration variables for the operation you want to perform. For more information, see Identity Server Sample Silent Mode Input File.

If you are deploying a web container for WebLogic Server or WebSphere for use with the Identity Server SDK, the amconfig script calls other scripts to perform the configuration, but these scripts do not start (or stop) the respective web container. To start a web container instance, use the WebLogic Server or WebSphere command or procedure that applies to your specific deployment.


In the Identity Server 2004Q2 release, the following scripts are not supported:

  • amserver with the create argument
  • amserver.instance

Also, by default amserver start starts only the authentication amsecuridd and amunixd helpers. The amsecuridd helper is available only on the Solaris OS SPARC platform.

Identity Server Deployment Scenarios

After you have installed the first instance of Identity Server using the Java Enterprise System installer, you can deploy and configure additional Identity Server instances by editing the configuration variables in the silent mode input file and then running the amconfig script.

This section describes the following scenarios:

Deploying Additional Instances of Identity Server

Before you can deploy a new instance of Identity Server, you must create and start the new web container instance using the administration tools for the web container. For information, refer to the specific web container documentation:


To Deploy an Additional Identity Server Instance

  1. Log in as an administrator, depending on the web container for the instance. For example, if Web Server 6.1 will be the web container for the new instance, log in either as superuser (root) or as the user account for the Web Server Administration Server.
  2. Copy the amsamplesilent file to a writable directory and make that directory your current directory. For example, you might create a directory named /newinstances.
  3. Tip Rename the copy of the amsamplesilent file to describe the new instance you want to deploy. For example, the following steps use an input file named amnewws6instance to install a new instance for Web Server 6.1.

  4. Set the following variables in the new amnewws6instance file:

    Set other variables in the amnewws6instance file as required for the new instance you want to create. For a description of these variables, refer to the tables in the following sections:

  6. Run the amconfig script, specifying the new amnewws6instance file. For example, on Solaris systems:
  7. cd IdentityServer_base/SUNWam/bin/
    ./amconfig -s /newinstances/amnewws6instance

    The -s option runs the amconfig script in silent mode.

    The amconfig script calls other configuration scripts as needed, using variables in the amnewws6instance file to deploy the new instance.

Reconfiguring an Instance of Identity Server

You can reconfigure the first instance of Identity Server that was installed using the Java Enterprise System installer and any additional Identity Server instances that you deployed by running the amconfig script.

For example, you might want to reconfigure an instance to change the Identity Server owner and group.

To Reconfigure an Instance of Identity Server

  1. Log in as an administrator, depending on the web container for the instance. For example, if Web Server 6.1 is the web container, log in either as superuser (root) or as the user account for Web Server Administration Server.
  2. Copy the silent install input file you used to deploy the instance to a writable directory and make that directory your current directory. For example, to reconfigure an instance for Web Server 6.1, the following steps use an input file named amnewinstanceforWS61 in the /reconfig directory.
  3. In the amnewinstanceforWS61 file, set the DEPLOY_LEVEL variable to one of the values described for a Re-install operation. For example, set DEPLOY_LEVEL=21 to reconfigure a full installation.
  4. In the amnewinstanceforWS61 file, set the NEW_INSTANCE variable to false:
  5. NEW_INSTANCE=false

  6. Set other variables in the amnewinstanceforWS61 file to reconfigure the instance. For example, to change the owner and group for the instance, set the NEW_OWNER and NEW_GROUP variables to their new values.
  7. For a description of other variables, refer to the tables in the following sections:

  8. Run the amconfig script, specifying your edited input file. For example, on Solaris systems:
  9. cd IdentityServer_base/SUNWam/bin/
    ./amconfig -s /reconfig/amnewinstanceforWS61

    The -s option runs the script in silent mode. The amconfig script calls other configuration scripts as needed, using variables in the amnewinstanceforWS61 file to reconfigure the instance.

Uninstalling an Identity Server Instance

You can uninstall an instance of Identity Server that was installed by running the amconfig script. You can also temporarily unconfigure an instance of Identity Server, and unless you remove the web container instance, it is still available for you to re-deploy another Identity Server instance later.

To Uninstall an Instance of Identity Server

  1. Log in as an administrator, depending on the web container for the instance. For example, if Web Server 6.1 is the web container, log in either as superuser (root) or as the user account for Web Server Administration Server.
  2. Copy the silent install input file you used to deploy the instance to a writable directory and make that directory your current directory. For example, to unconfigure an instance for Web Server 6.1, the following steps use an input file named amnewinstanceforWS61 in the /unconfigure directory.
  3. In the amnewinstanceforWS61 file, set the DEPLOY_LEVEL variable to one of the values described for an Uninstall (unconfigure) operation. For example, set DEPLOY_LEVEL=11 to uninstall (or unconfigure) a full installation.
  4. Run the amconfig script, specifying your edited input file. For example, on Solaris systems:
  5. cd IdentityServer_base/SUNWam/bin/
    ./amconfig -s /unconfigure/aminstanceforWS61

    The -s option runs the script in silent mode. The amconfig script reads the amnewinstanceforWS61 file and then uninstalls the instance.

The web container instance is still available if you want to use it to re-deploy another Identity Server instance later.

Uninstalling All Identity Server Instances

This scenario completely removes all Identity Server 2004Q2 instances and packages from a system.

To Completely Remove Identity Server 2004Q2 From a System

  1. Log in as or become superuser (root).
  2. In the input file you used to deploy the instance, set the DEPLOY_LEVEL variable to one of the values described for an Uninstall (unconfigure) operation. For example, set DEPLOY_LEVEL=11 to uninstall (or unconfigure) a full installation.
  3. Run the amconfig script using the file you edited in Step 2. For example on Solaris systems:
  4. cd IdentityServer_base/SUNWam/bin/
    ./amconfig -s /newinstances/amnewws6instance

    The amconfig script runs in silent mode to uninstall the instance.

    Repeat these steps for any other Identity Server instances you want to uninstall, except for the first instance, which is the instance you installed using the Java Enterprise System installer.

  5. To uninstall the first instance and remove all Identity Server packages from the system, run the Java Enterprise System uninstaller. For information about the uninstaller, refer to the Sun Java Enterprise System Installation Guide.

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