Sun Java System Calendar Server 6 2005Q4 Administration Guide

Calendar Server Special Accounts

Calendar Server special accounts include the following:

Calendar Server Administrator (calmaster)

The Calendar Server administrator is a specific user name with its associated password that can manage Calendar Server. For example, a Calendar Server administrator can start and stop Calendar Server services, add and delete users, create and delete calendars, and so on. This user has administrator privileges for Calendar Server but not necessarily for the directory server.

The default user ID for the Calendar Server administrator is calmaster, but you can specify a different user during Calendar Server configuration, if you prefer. After installation you can also specify a different user in the service.admin.calmaster.userid parameter in the ics.conf file.

The user ID you specify for the Calendar Server administrator must be a valid user account in your directory server. If the Calendar Server administrator user account does not exist in the directory server during configuration, the configuration program can create it for you.

The following table describes the Calendar Server administrator configuration parameters in the ics.conf file.

Table 1–1 Calendar Server Administrator (calmaster) Configuration Parameters




User ID of the person designated as the Calendar Server administrator. You must provide this required value during Calendar Server installation. The default is "calmaster".


Password of the user ID specified as the Calendar Server administrator. You must provide this required value during installation. 


Email address of the Calendar Server administrator. The default is "root@localhost".



Indicates whether the Calendar Server administrator can override access control. The default is "no".




Indicates whether the Calendar Server administrator can get and set user preferences using WCAP commands. The default is "no".


Enables the LDAP server for user authentication of the user specified in service.admin.calmaster.userid. The default is “yes”.

Calendar Server User and Group

These special accounts are the user ID and group ID under which Calendar Server runs. Unless there are overriding reasons not to, use the default values, icsuser and icsgroup, which are automatically created by the configuration program, if they do not exist.

If you prefer, however, you can specify values other than icsuser and icsgroup when you run the Calendar Server configuration program. These values are stored in the local.serveruid and local.servergid parameters, respectively, in the ics.conf file.

Superuser (root)

You must log in as or become superuser (root) to install Calendar Server. You can also run as superuser to manage Calendar Server using the command-line utilities. For some tasks, however, you should run as icsuser and icsgroup (or the values you have selected) rather than superuser to avoid access problems for Calendar Server files.