Sun Java System Calendar Server 6 2005Q4 Administration Guide


csuser [-q|-v]
       [-a aces] 
       [-b basedn]
        -m email address 
       [-d domain]
        -f filename
        -g givenname 
       [-k yes|no] 
       [-l langcode] 
        -s surname 
        -y userpassword
       create userid

csuser [-q|-v] 
       [-b basedn] 
       [-d domain] 
       [-h host] 
       list [userid]

csuser [-q|-v] 
       [-b basedn] 
       [-d domain]
       [check|delete|disable|enable|reset] userid


The following table describes the commands available for the csuser utility.

Table D–38 csuser Utility Commands



check userid

Check if the specified user ID is enabled for calendaring. 

create userid

Create the specified user ID and enable this user to log into Calendar Server. 

delete userid

Delete the specified user ID. 

disable userid

Disable the specified user ID for calendaring. The utility defines http as the value of the icsAllowedServiceAccess attribute.

enable userid

Enable the specified user ID for calendaring. 

list [userid]

List the calendar attributes for the specified user ID. If user ID is not specified, list attributes for all enabled users. 

If the -hserver-name option is included, list the calendar attributes for the specified user ID (or all enabled users) on that back-end server.

reset userid

Reset all calendar attributes for a user ID to their default settings. 

Note: After the calendar attributes for a user ID have been reset, all of the calendar attributes are removed from the user’s LDAP entry, including icsCalendarUser (object class), icsSubscribed, icsCalendarOwned, icsCalendar, and icsDWPHost (if the user is in an LDAP CLD setup). A Calendar Server administrator then cannot create calendars on the user’s behalf.

These attributes are restored in the user’s LDAP entry when the Calendar Server administrator issues a csuser enable command for the user.


Display the version of the utility. 

The following table describes the csuser utility command options.

Table D–39 csuser Utility Command Options




Run in verbose mode: Display all available information about the command being performed. Default is off. 


Run in quiet mode: 

  • Display no information if the operation is successful (errors, if they occur, are displayed).

  • Suppress confirmation prompting for dangerous commands.

    Default is off.

-b basedn

The base DN to be used for all LDAP users. The default value is taken from the setting local.ugldapbasedn defined in the ics.conf file.

-b basedn

Specifies the base DN for the user. 

-d domain

Specifies the name of a hosted (virtual) domain. Default is taken from the service.defaultdomain parameter in the ics.conf file.

-a [aces]

Access Control Entries (ACE's) for a specified calendar. ACE's determine who can access a calendar for group scheduling and the types of permissions they have, such as create, delete, read, and write privileges. An ACE string or Access Control List (ACL), must be enclosed in quotation marks ("").

Default is: 


For details about the ACE format, see Services Configuration.

-f filename

File name to specify a password for options that require a password (-y parameter). If you are running csuser from a script, for added security, specify the password in filename.

-g givenname

The user's LDAP given name (first name). This option is required. There is no default. 

-h host

Specifies the name of a back-end server where the user’s calendar resides. This option applies only to the list command. 

-p port

The port number that LDAP server is listening to. The default value is taken from the setting local.ugldapport defined in the ics.conf file.

-k yes|no

If double booking is allowed for a user’s calendar. If yes, the user’s calendar can have more than one event scheduled for the same time slot.

Default is taken from the setting user.allow.doublebook defined in the ics.conf file.

-l [langcode]

Language code. Default is the value of local.sitelanguage in ics.conf.

-m email address

Specifies the LDAP mail attribute (primary email address) for the user. 

-s surname

The user's LDAP surname (last name). This option is required. There is no default. 

-u adminDN

The LDAP distinguished name (DN) of the person with administration rights to the LDAP server that stores user authentication information. The default value is taken from the configuration setting local.enduseradmindn defined in the ics.conf file. 

-w password

The password of the LDAP administrator DN specified by the -u option. The default value is taken from the configuration setting local.enduseradmincred defined in the ics.conf file. This option is required if you use the -u option.

-y userpassword

The required calendar user's password. There is no default.