Sun Java System Calendar Server 6 2005Q4 Developer's Guide

Client and Server Plug-in API's

The CSAPI API's fall into two categories: client and server commands.

The interfaces are described in detail in Chapter 2, CSAPI Reference

Client API's

The following table lists the CSAPI client API's, which can be implemented by one or more plug-ins.

Client API's 


API: csIAccessControl

Augments or overrides the default access control mechanism. 

API: csIAuthentication

Augments or overrides the login authentication mechanism. 

API: csICalendarLookup

Augments or overrides the default calendar lookup mechanism. 

API: csIDataTranslator

Augments or overrides the format translation of incoming and outgoing data. 

API: csIPlugin

Provides version control and descriptive information about the module. 

API: csIQualifiedCalidLookup

Retrieves a calendar ID for the specified qualified URL. 

API: csIUserAttributes

Augments or overrides the mechanism for storing and retrieving user attributes. 

Server API's

The following is a list of the server API's, which can be implemented with one or more plug-ins.

Server API's 


API: csICalendarServer

Provides general server information, including version number. 

API: csIMalloc

Allows access to server’s memory allocation mechanism.