Sun Java System Communications Express 6 2005Q4 Administration Guide

ProcedureHow to Map an Existing DIT to the Dual Tree Namespace?

Assuming that the root suffix for Organization tree is: o=isp

Assuming that the Organization DN that is currently being used is,o=isp and the user container is ou=People,,o=isp

  1. Create a root suffix, o=internet for DC tree.

    The root suffix can be created using the Directory Server console.

  2. Under this DC tree root suffix, create a domain entry with DN as


    Use the following LDIFs to create the domain entry using the ldapmodify command:

    Note –

    Please change the Organization root, Organization Name, Organization DN, Object Classes and Attribute values mentioned in the LDIF files to reflect your deployment details.

    root suffix
    Organization root suffix: o=isp
    Organization name: siroe
    DNS domain name:
    Origanization DN:,o=isp

    The following Object Classes and attributes are used by mail service:

    mailDomain, nsManagedDomain
    mailDomainStatus, preferredMailHost, mailDomainDiskQuota, mailDomainMsgQuota
    mailDomainReportAddress, nsMaxDomains, nsNumUsers, nsNumDomains, nsNumMailLists

    Note –

    Remove mail service ObjectClasses and Attributes from the LDIFs if you do not wish to use them.

    Ensure that the value of inetDomainBaseDN attribute in the LDIF is assigned the organization DN.

    Examples of LDIF files

  3. Use ldapmodify command to add the LDIF file entries to the DC tree.

Example C–1 LDIF File 1

dn: dc=com,o=internet
dc: com
objectclass: top
objectclass: domain

Example C–2 LDIF File 2

dn: dc=com,o=internet
dc: com
objectclass: top
objectclass: domain
dn: dc=siroe,dc=com,o=internet
objectClass: top
objectClass: domain
objectClass: inetDomain
objectClass: mailDomain
objectClass: nsManagedDomain
dc: siroe
aci: (targetattr="icsTimeZone||icsMandatorySubscribed||icsMandatoryView|
(targetfilter=(objectClass=icsCalendarDomain))(version 3.0; 
acl "Domain Adm calendar access - product=ims5.0,
class=nda,num=16,version=1"; allow (all) 
groupdn="ldap:///cn=Domain Administrators,ou=Groups,,o=isp";
description: DC node for hosted domain
inetDomainStatus: active
mailDomainStatus: active
mailDomainDiskQuota: -1
mailDomainMsgQuota: -1
nsMaxDomains: 1
nsNumUsers: 1
nsNumDomains: 1
nsNumMailLists: 0