Sun Cluster Data Service for DNS Guide for Solaris OS

Registering and Configuring Sun Cluster HA for DNS

This procedure describes how to use the clresource(1CL)command to register and configure Sun Cluster HA for DNS.

Note –

Other options also enable you to register and configure the data service. See Tools for Data Service Resource Administration in Sun Cluster Data Services Planning and Administration Guide for Solaris OS for details about these options.

Setting Sun Cluster HA for DNS Extension Properties

The sections that follow contain instructions for registering and configuring Sun Cluster HA for DNS resources. For information about the extension properties, see Appendix A, Sun Cluster HA for DNS Extension Properties. The Tunable entry indicates when you can update a property.

See Appendix B, Standard Properties, in Sun Cluster Data Services Planning and Administration Guide for Solaris OS for details about all the Sun Cluster properties.

To set an extension property of a resource, include the following option in the clresource(1CL) command that creates or modifies the resource:

-p property=value 
-p property

Identifies the extension property that you are setting.


Specifies the value to which you are setting the extension property.

You can also use the procedures in Chapter 2, Administering Data Service Resources, in Sun Cluster Data Services Planning and Administration Guide for Solaris OS to configure resources after the resources are created.

ProcedureHow to Register and Configure Sun Cluster HA for DNS

This section describes how to register and configure Sun Cluster HA for DNS.

To perform this procedure, you need the following information about your configuration.

Note –

Perform this procedure on any cluster member.

  1. On a cluster member, become superuser or assume a role that provides solaris.cluster.admin RBAC authorization.

  2. Disable the SMF service /network/dns/server:default.

    Perform this step before starting any Sun Cluster HA for DNS resource.

    In the event of any failure in the initial primary node or zone, failover is possible only if the Service Management Facility (SMF) service /network/dns/server:default is disabled. On all potential primary nodes, disable this service by running the following command.

    # svcadm disable /network/dns/server:default
  3. Register the resource type for the data service.

    # clresourcetype register SUNW.dns

    Specifies the predefined resource type name for your data service.

  4. Create a resource group for network and DNS resources to use.

    You can use the -n option to optionally select the set of nodes or zones on which the data service can run.

    # clresourcegroup create [-n node-zone-list] resource-group
    [-n node-zone-list]

    Specifies a comma-separated, ordered list of zones that can master this resource group. The format of each entry in the list is node. In this format, node specifies the node name and zone specifies the name of a non-global Solaris zone. To specify the global zone, or to specify a node without non-global zones, specify only node.

    This list is optional. If you omit this list, the global zone of each cluster node can master the resource group.


    Specifies the name of the resource group. This name can be your choice but must be unique for the resource groups within the cluster.

  5. Add network resources to the resource group.

    For example, run the following command to add a logical hostname to a resource group.

    # clreslogicalhostname create -g resource-group -h logical-hostname [logical-hostname] \
    [-N netiflist] logical-hostname
    -h logical-hostname

    Specifies a comma-separated list of network resources (logical hostname). If you require a fully qualified hostname, you must specify the fully qualified name with the -h option and you cannot use the fully qualified form in the resource name.

    -N netiflist

    Specifies an optional, comma-separated list that identifies the IP Networking Multipathing groups that are on each node or zone. The format of each entry in the list is netif@node. The replaceable items in this format are as follows:


    Specifies an IPMP group name, such as sc_ipmp0, or a public network interface card (NIC). If you specify a public NIC, Sun Cluster attempts to create the required IPMP groups.


    Specifies the name or ID of a node. To specify the global zone, or to specify a node without non-global zones, specify only node.

    Note –

    Sun Cluster does not currently support the use of the adapter name for netif.

  6. Add a DNS application resource to the resource group.

    # clresource create -g resource-group \
    -t SUNW.dns -p Resource_Dependencies=network-resource,… \
    -p Port_list=port-number/protocol -p DNS_mode=config-file \ 
    -p Confdir_list=config-directory resource

    The resource is created in the enabled state.

    -t SUNW.dns

    Specifies the name of the resource type to which this resource belongs. This entry is required.

    -p Resource_Dependencies=network-resource, …

    Specifies a comma-separated list of network resources (logical hostnames) that DNS will use. If you do not specify this property, the value defaults to all the network resources that are contained in the resource group.

    -p Port_list=port-number/protocol

    Specifies a port number and the protocol to be used. If you do not specify this property, the value defaults to 53/udp.

    -p DNS_mode=config-file

    Specifies the configuration file to use, either conf (which specifies the file named.conf) or boot (which specifies the file named.boot). If you do not specify this property, the value defaults to conf.

    -p Confdir_list=config-directory

    Specifies the DNS configuration directory, which must be on the cluster file system. Sun Cluster HA for DNS requires this extension property. The `directory' directive in the global portion (options) of the named.conf should match this value.


    Specifies the DNS application resource name.

  7. Run the clresourcegroup(1CL) command to complete the following tasks.

    • Enable the resource and fault monitoring.

    • Move the resource group into a managed state.

    • Bring the resource group online.

    # clresourcegroup online -M resource-group

    Moves all resources within the resource group to the MANAGED state.


    Specifies the name of the resource group.

Example 1 Registering Failover Sun Cluster HA for DNS

The following example shows how to register Sun Cluster HA for DNS on a two-node cluster. Note that at the end, the clresourcegroup command starts Sun Cluster HA for DNS.

Cluster Information
Node names: phys-schost-1, phys-schost-2
Logical hostname: schost-1
Resource group: resource-group-1 (for all the resources)
Resources: schost-1 (logical hostname), dns-1 (DNS application resource)

(Disable the SMF service /network/dns/server:default.) 
# svcadm disable /network/dns/server:default

(Register the DNS resource type.)
# clresourcetype register SUNW.dns
(Add the resource group to contain all the resources.)
# clresourcegroup create resource-group-1
(Add the logical hostname resource to the resource group.)
# clreslogicalhostname create -g resource-group-1 -h schost-1 schost-1 
(Add DNS application resources to the resource group.)
# clresource create -g resource-group-1 -t SUNW.dns \
-p Resource_Dependencies=schost-1 -p Port_list=53/udp \
-p DNS_mode=conf -p Confdir_list=/global/dns dns-1

(Bring the failover resource group online.)
# clresourcegroup online -M resource-group-1