Sun OpenSSO Enterprise 8.0 Developer's Guide

A Simple Single Sign-On Scenario

In a single sign-on scenario, a user logs in to access a protected resource. Once the user has successfully authenticated to OpenSSO Enterprise, a user session is created and stored in OpenSSO Enterprise memory. The user uses browser cookies or URL query parameters to carry a session identifier. Each time the user requests access to another protected resource, the new application must verify the user's identity. It does not ask the user to present credentials. Instead, the application uses the session identifier and the Session Service interfaces to retrieve the user's session information from OpenSSO Enterprise. If it is determined from the session information that the user has already been authenticated and the session is still valid, the new application allows the user access to its data and operations. If the user is not authenticated, or if the session is no longer valid, the requested application prompts the user to present credentials a second time. Until logging out, this scenario is played out every time the user accesses a protected resource in the single sign-on environment. For more detailed information about user sessions and single sign-on, see Chapter 6, Models of the User Session and Single Sign-On Processes, in Sun OpenSSO Enterprise 8.0 Technical Overview.