Sun OpenSSO Enterprise 8.0 Developer's Guide

Configure the Instance of OpenSSO Enterprise Local to the Service Provider for the Remote Identity Provider

If the SAMLv2 sample has been executed on the instance of OpenSSO Enterprise local to the service provider, nothing else needs to be done. If metadata has been manually configured on the instance of OpenSSO Enterprise local to the service provider, do the following procedure.

  1. Get the remote identity provider metadata for import to the instance of OpenSSO Enterprise local to the service provider.

    The standard metadata is the same as the one used in Configure the Instance of OpenSSO Enterprise Local to the Identity Provider.

  2. Import the standard metadata to the instance of OpenSSO Enterprise local to the service provider using ssoadm.

  3. Add the identity provider to the service provider's configured circle of trust.

    Note –

    If using a flat file for a datastore, both the instance of OpenSSO Enterprise at the service provider and the instance at the identity provider must be restarted.