Sun OpenSSO Enterprise 8.0 Administration Guide

locale Parameter

OpenSSO Enterprise has the capability to display screens that are translated into languages other than English. These localized screens can be configured for the authentication process as well as for the console itself. The locale=language-locale parameter allows the specified locale to take precedence over any other defined locales for the authentication process.


The login locale is displayed by the client after searching for the configured locale in the following places, order-specific:

  1. Value of the locale parameter in login URL

    The value of the locale=language-locale parameter takes precedence over all other defined locales. See Supported Language Locales in Sun OpenSSO Enterprise 8.0 Administration Reference for a list of supported language subtypes.

  2. Locale defined in user’s profile

    If there is no URL parameter, the locale is displayed based on the value set in the User Preferred Language attribute of the user's profile.

  3. Locale defined in the HTTP header

    This locale is set by the web browser.

  4. Locale defined in Core Authentication module

    This is the value of the Default Auth Locale attribute in the Core Authentication module.

  5. Locale defined in Platform Service

    This is the value of the Platform Locale attribute in the Platform service.

  6. Operating system locale

The locale derived from this pecking order is stored in the user’s SSOToken and OpenSSO Enterprise uses it for loading the localized authentication module only. After successful authentication, the locale defined in the User Preferred Language attribute of the user’s profile is used. If none is set, the locale used for authentication will be carried over. For more information, see Localizing the Sun OpenSSO Enterprise 8.0 Login Page.