Sun OpenSSO Enterprise 8.0 Administration Guide

Mapping SAMLv2 Name Identifiers

The NameID Mapping Protocol allows a service provider that shares an identifier for a principal with an identity provider to obtain a name identifier for said principal in another format or that is in another federation namespace (for example, is shared between the identity provider and another service provider). The requester initiates the profile by sending a NameIDMappingRequest message to the identity provider. After processing the request, the identity provider issues a NameIdMappingResponse message to the requester.

Only SOAP binding is supported. Signing is required so make sure the Signing Certificate Alias attribute of the identity provider and the service provider is configured.

To send a NameIDMappingRequest message from the service provider, use the method of the com.sun.identity.saml2.profile.NameIDMapping.

public static NameIDMappingResponse initiateNameIDMappingRequest(
  Object session,
  String realm, 
  String spEntityID, 
  String idpEntityID,
  String targetSPEntityID, 
  String targetNameIDFormat,
  Map paramsMap) throws SAML2Exception;