Sun OpenSSO Enterprise 8.0 Administration Reference

Liberty ID-FF Service Configuration

Federation Cookie Name

This attribute specifies the name of the ID-FF Services cookie. The cookie is used to remember if the user is federated already.

IDP Proxy Finder SPI Implementation Class

This attribute specifies the implementation class for finding a preferred identity provider to be proxied.

Request Cache Cleanup Interval

This attribute specifies the cleanup interval (in seconds) for ID-FF internal request cleanup thread.

Request Cache Timeout

This attribute specifies the timeout value (in seconds) for the ID-FF Authentication Request. AnyAuthnRequest object will be purged from the memory if it exceeds the timeout value.

IDP Login URl

This attribute specifies the login URL to which the IDP will redirect if a valid session is not found while processing the Authentication Request. If the key is not specified, a default login URL is used.

XML Signing On

This attribute specifies the level of signature verification for Liberty requests and responses.