Sun OpenSSO Enterprise 8.0 Administration Reference

User Attribute Mapping to Session Attribute

Enables the authenticating user's identity attributes (stored in the identity repository) to be set as session properties in the user's SSOToken. The value takes the format User-Profile-Attribute|Session-Attribute-Name. If Session-Attribute-Name is not specified, the value of User-Profile-Attribute is used. All session attributes contain the am.protected prefix to ensure that they cannot be edited by the Client SDK.

For example, if you define the user profile attribute as mail and the user's email address (available in the user session) as user.mail, the entry for this attribute would be mail|user.mail. After a successful authentication, the SSOToken.getProperty(String) method is used to retrieve the user profile attribute set in the session. The user's email address is retrieved from the user's session using the SSOToken.getProperty("am.protected.user.mail") method call.

Properties that are set in the user session using User Attribute Mapping to Session Attributes can not be modified (for example, SSOToken.setProperty(String, String)). This will result in an SSOException. Multi-value attributes, such as memberOf, are listed as a single session variable separated by the pipe symbol. For example, Value1|Value2|Value3