Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server 2.1 Administration Guide

Enterprise Server Overview

You can configure and monitor Enterprise Server instances and clusters securely and remotely, from a web-based central administration console. The command line interface (CLI) can be used to script and automate processes. A stable JMX API is made available to programmatically monitor the server, query configuration and change configuration data. Monitoring is supported through JMX and SNMP interfaces. Monitoring level may be varied dynamically from OFF to LOW and high, changing the amount of information that is collected.

You can configure and optimize Enterprise Server for a particular type of use by specifying the appropriate profile when you create the application server domain.

Enterprise Server includes the Metro web services stack ( Metro implements important WS-* standards and WS-I standardized interoperability profiles in order to assure interoperability between Java and .NET web services.

Enterprise Server includes the implementation of Java Business Integration (JBI) specifications. JBI is a Java standard for structuring business systems according to a Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA).