Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server 2.1 High Availability Administration Guide

Modifications made by the Installer to Apache Web Server Configuration

The Enterprise Server installation program makes the following modifications to Apache configuration while installing the load-balancing pug-in. If you choose to install the load-balancing plug-in manually, you need to perform these steps manually. The installation program extracts the necessary files to the modules directory in the web server’s root directory:

Note –

Ensure that you export the DAS certificate before installing the load-balancing plug-in.

For Apache 2.0.x, the installer adds the following entries to the web server instance’s httpd.conf file:

##BEGIN EE LB Plugin Parameters
LoadModule apachelbplugin_module modules/
#AddModule mod_apache2lbplugin.cpp
<IfModule mod_apache2lbplugin.cpp> 
  config-file webserver-instance/httpd/conf/loadbalancer.xml
  locale en
<VirtualHost machine-ip-address>
  DocumentRoot "webserver-instance/httpd/htdocs"
  ServerName server-name
##END EE LB Plugin Parameters

For Apache 2.2.x, the installer adds the following entries to the web server instance’s httpd.conf file:

##BEGIN EE LB Plugin Parameters
LoadFile /usr/lib/ (For Solaris SPARC only)
LoadModule apachelbplugin_module modules/
#AddModule apachelbplugin_module
<IfModule apachelbplugin_module> 
  config-file Apache-install-location/conf/loadbalancer.xml
  locale en
##END EE LB Plugin Parameters

For Apache 2.2.x, the installer adds the following entries to the web server instance’s httpd-vhosts.conf file:

##BEGIN EE LB Plugin Parameters
<VirtualHost machine-ip-address> 
  ServerName host-name
 DocumentRoot Apache-install-location/htdocs
##END EE LB Plugin Parameters

Other changes made by the installer to ensure that Apache's config-file and ssl-config have correct values for your environment. The ssl-config file is located at Apache-install-location/conf/ssl.conf in Apache 2.0.x, or at Apache-install-location/conf/extras/httpd-ssl.conf. The config file is at Apache-install-location/conf/httpd.conf for Apache 2.0.x and for Apache 2.2.x. The summary of changes made are as follows:

Importing the DAS Certificate

The Enterprise Server installation program performs the following tasks for you.

The value for serial-number needs to be generated from the DAS certificate file. Use the following command for generating the serial-number: keytool -printcert -file sjsas.crt. Change all lowercase characters to upper case in the output of this command and use it as the serial-number. This command will also print the name of the application server you are using.