Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server 2.1 High Availability Administration Guide

ProcedureTo Install SSL-aware Apache

Before You Begin

You must have already downloaded and uncompressed the Apache software.

  1. Download and unpack the OpenSSL source.

  2. Compile and build OpenSSL.

    For full installation instructions, see the file named INSTALL in the directory where you uncompressed OpenSSL. That file has information on installing OpenSSL in a user-specified location.

    For more information about OpenSSL, see the

  3. Download and unpack Apache.

    Apache is available from

  4. Compile and build Apache. Configure the source tree:

    1. For Apache 2.0.x, use this command: cd http-2.0_x. For Apache 2.2.x, use this command: cd http-2.2_x

    2. Run the following command:

      ./configure --with-ssl= OpenSSL-install-path --prefix= Apache-install-path --enable-ssl --enable-so

      In the above commands, x is the Apache version number, open-ssl-install-path is the absolute path to directory where OpenSSL is installed, and Apache-install-path is the directory in which to install Apache.

      Note that you only need to use the --enable-ssl --enable-so options if your Apache 2 server will be accepting HTTPS requests.

      Apache 2 .0.x has multithreaded behavior if compiled with the --with-mpm=worker option.

      Note –

      With Apache 2.2, use the --with-included-apr option to build the bundled Apache Portable Runtime (APR).

  5. For Apache on Linux 2.1, before compiling:

    1. Open src/MakeFile and find the end of the automatically generated section.

    2. Add the following lines after the first four lines after the automatically generated section:

      LIBS+= -licuuc -licui18n -lnspr4 -lpthread -lxerces-c 
      -lsupport -lnsprwrap -lns-httpd40
      LDFLAGS+= -L/application-server-install-dir/lib -L/opt/sun/private/lib

      Note that -L/opt/sun/private/lib is only required if you installed Application Server as part of a Java Enterprise System installation.

      For example:

      ## (End of automatically generated section)
      "LIBS+= -licuuc -licui18n -lnspr4 -lpthread 
      -lxerces-c -lsupport -lnsprwrap -lns-httpd40
      LDFLAGS+= -L/application-server-install-dir /lib -L/opt/sun/private/lib
    3. Set environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

      With stand–alone installations, add as-install/lib

      With Java Enterprise System installations, set it to the Enterprise Server: as-install/lib:opt/sun/private/lib.

      If you are using Solaris 9, add /usr/local/lib to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

  6. Compile Apache as described in the installation instructions for the version you are using.

    For more information, see the

    In general, the steps are:

    1. make

    2. make install

    Note –

    For Apache 2.2.x, uncomment the following line in the apache-install-location/conf/httpd.conf file: Include conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf