Sun OpenSSO Enterprise 8.0 Integration Guide

Installing And Configuring the OpenSSO Enterprise Policy Agent on Identity Manager

Although this document describes an example where Identity Manager and OpenSSO Enterprise are configured for both single sign-on and provisioning, it is possible to configure a deployment for single sign-on without provisioning, or for provisioning without single sign-on. If single sign-on between OpenSSO Enterprise and Identity Manager is not required, then the OpenSSO Enterprise Policy Agent does not need to be installed or configured. In that case, you can ignore the steps that involve the OpenSSO Enterprise Policy Agent.

To install and configure the OpenSSO Enterprise policy agent on Identity Manager, follow these steps:

  1. Create the OpenSSO Enterprise Agent Profile On The OpenSSO Enterprise Server.

  2. Install the OpenSSO Enterprise Policy Agent on the Identity Manager Server.

  3. Configure the OpenSSO Enterprise Policy Agent on OpenSSO Enterprise .

  4. Create Policies on OpenSSO Enterprise.

  5. Disable Protection of Identity Manager Server by the OpenSSO Enterprise Policy Agent .

  6. Configure The OpenSSO Enterprise Policy Agent On Identity Manager Server.

ProcedureTo Create the OpenSSO Enterprise Agent Profile On The OpenSSO Enterprise Server

  1. Download Policy Agent 3.0 for Sun Application Server 9.1.

  2. Log in to the OpenSSO Enterprise console.

  3. Navigate to Access Control | / (Top-Level Realm) | Agents | J2EE.

  4. In the Agent section, New and create a new agent profile with these values:





    Re-Enter Password:


    Server URL:

    Agent URL:

    Click Create.

    The console displays the J2EE Policy Agent page again with a hyperlink for the agent profile idmagent.

  5. Click on the idmagent hyperlink.

    The “Edit idmagent" page is displayed. The agent profile is now created.

  6. If OpenSSO Enterprise is deployed on a web server, in the Agent profile page, navigate to the tab SSO.

    Select the property SSO Decode (com.sun.identity.agents.config.sso.decode).

    It is necessary to select this property only when OpenSSO Enterprise is deployed on a web server. If you leave this property unselected, then you will find that, after you login to OpenSSO Enterprise, the browser appears to be stuck and hanging on the OpenSSO Enterprise login screen.

    Click Save.

  7. Log out of the OpenSSO Enterprise console.

  8. Verify that you can login to the OpenSSO Enterprise console as this user.

  9. Create an policy agent password file named /export/software/agent_pwd.

    This file should contain only the password for the Agent profile, in plain text

ProcedureTo Install the OpenSSO Enterprise Policy Agent on the Identity Manager Server

The Policy Agent provides these capabilities:

The sois_user is the authentication property in Identity Manager that is used during single sign-on between OpenSSO Enterprise and Identity Manager. The name sois_user given to the property was an abbreviation for Sun ONE Identity Server User. The Sun ONE Identity Server product was a predecessor to OpenSSO Enterprise.

  1. Follow instructions in the policy agent documentation for installing the Policy Agent on Application Server.

  2. Deploy the agentapp.war on the Sun Application Server.

  3. When the policy agent installation is complete, verify that the agent is installed and functioning properly.

    Install the sample application agentsample that is ships with the agent and test the application. Instructions to install and test the sample application are available on the OpenSSO website.

    Caution – Caution –

    Before you deploy and test the agentsample application, you must remove the following entries in the GlassFish JVM path: :



    These entries were added in the procedure To Configure Application Server to Work with Identity Manager.

    If you do not remove these entries before deploying the agentsample application, you will get a 500 error on the browser when you try to access the agentsample application.

ProcedureTo Configure the OpenSSO Enterprise Policy Agent on OpenSSO Enterprise

  1. Configure the OpenSSO Enterprise Agent Profile

    1. Log in to the OpenSSO Enterprise console as amadmin.

    2. Navigate to Access Control | /(Top-Level Real) | Agents | J2EE.

    3. Click the policy agent profile that was created earlier and was associated with the agent installation.

    4. Navigate to the tab OpenSSO Services.

    5. For the property OpenSSO Enterprise Login URL (com.sun.identity.agents.config.login.url), remove the existing entry, and add this entry:


      The value must be the login URL that the AM users should use to login to AM

    Click Save.

  2. Navigate to the tab Application.

    1. For the property Session Attribute Fetch Mode (com.sun.identity.agents.config.session.attribute.fetch.mode), choose the option HTTP_HEADER.

    2. For the property Session Attribute Mapping (com.sun.identity.agents.config.session.attribute.mapping), remove the existing entry, and add this entry:

    3. For the property Not Enforced URIs (com.sun.identity.agents.config.notenforced.uri), add these entries:


    Click Save.

  3. Log out from the OpenSSO Enterprise console.

ProcedureTo Create Policies on OpenSSO Enterprise

For detailed information on creating policies on OpenSSO Enterprise, see Creating Policies and Referrals in Sun OpenSSO Enterprise 8.0 Administration Guide.

Create the following roles in the realm where the users will be provisioned. If the policy is to be created in a sub-realm, then you must first create a Referral Policy in the top-level realm for the same URLs.

  1. Identity Manager User Policy

    This policy restricts access to the Identity Manager user pages, only to the users in the idm_users role. So regular Identity Manager users will not be allowed to access the Identity Manager administrator interface URIs.

    1. URL Policy

      For http://server:port/idm/user, allow GET and POST actions .

    2. URL Policy

      For http://server:port/idm/user/*, allow GET and POST actions .

    3. URL Policy

      For http://server:port/idm/user/*?*, allow GET and POST actions.

    Subject Type: OpensSSO Identity Subject | Role | idm_users

  2. Identity Manager Admin Policy

    This policy restricts access to the Identity Manager pages, to only the users in the idm_admins role. The users in this role will be able to access all Identity Manager pages, both administrator and user pages.

    1. URL Policy

      For http://server:port/idm, allow GET and POST actions

    2. URL Policy

      For http://server:port/idm/*, allow GET and POST actions

    3. URL Policy

      For http://server:port/idm/*?*, allow GET and POST actions.

    Subject Type: OpenSSO Identity Subject | Role | idm_admins

ProcedureTo Disable Protection of Identity Manager Server by the OpenSSO Enterprise Policy Agent

This task enables you to perform the tasks described in the sections below without the policy agent getting in the way. At this point, the policies haven't been set up on OpenSSO Enterprise. You would be denied access to all Identity Manager URLs until policies are set up. The protection by the policy agent will be re-enabled in a subsequent procedure. See To Re-Enable Identity Manager Protection by the OpenSSO Enterprise Policy Agent .

  1. Log in to the OpenSSO Enterprise console using the following credentials:

    User Name:




  2. Navigate to Access Control | /(Top-Level Realm) | Agents | J2EE | idmagent | Application.

  3. For the property Not Enforced URI (com.sun.identity.agents.config.notenforced.uri), add this entry:

  4. Click Save.

  5. Log out of the OpenSSO Enterprise console.

ProcedureTo Configure the OpenSSO Enterprise Policy Agent On Identity Manager Server

  1. Modify the Identity Manager application descriptor.

    1. Go to the directory where the application descriptor is present.

      # cd /opt/SUNWappserver91/domains/
    2. Back up the file web.xml.

    3. Edit web.xml.

      • Change DOCTYPE as follows:

        <web-app version="2.4" 
      • Delete the single instance of <web-app> in the next line.

      • Add the following just before the first <filter> definition:

  2. Log in to the Application Server console.

  3. Navigate to Application Server > JVM Settings > Path Settings.

  4. Update the classpath suffix.

    Remove the following entries that you had added earlier:


    At this time, you can also physically delete the openssoclientsdk.jar file and the classes directory. They are no longer needed.

  5. Click Save.

    In the following steps, the recommended approach is to update the web.xml file (above), recreate the idm.war, and then redeploy the new idm.war file on the Application Server.

  6. Stop the Application Server.

    # /opt/SUNWappserver91/bin/asadmin stop-domain domain1
  7. Delete the generated Identity Manager application files.

    They will be re-generated when you access the Identity Manager application. If you don't do this step, the changes that you made in the web.xml file may not go into effect.

    # cd /opt/SUNWappserver91/domains/domain1/generated/xml/j2ee-modules
    # rm -rf idm
  8. Start the Application Server.

    # /opt/SUNWappserver91/bin/asadmin start-domain domain1

    Watch for any errors in the Application Server server.log file.