Sun OpenSSO Enterprise 8.0 Integration Guide

ProcedureTo Configure Oracle Access Manager

See the Oracle Access Manager Installation Guide for detailed configuration instructions. For the examples in this document, the Oracle Access and Policy Servers are tested using the configurations described below.

  1. Create an Access Server Configuration named access1.

    Oracle Access Manager console, Details for Access
  2. Create access gate configuration named webgate1.

    Oracle Access Manager console, Details for AccessGate
  3. Create an access gate configuration for the SDK.

    The SDK configuration is used for custom authentication modules and for other remote APIs.

    Oracle Access Manager console, Details for AccessGate
  4. Associate the web gates with Oracle Access Server.

    This establishes a trust relationship.

    Oracle Access Manager console, server access1
  5. Create a form-based authentication scheme

    By default, Oracle Access Manager provides a credential collector form you can use it. You can also customize the form. For the examples in this document, the following properties are used.

    Oracle Access Manager console, Plugins for Authentication
  6. Configure the plug-ins.

    Plug-ins for Authentication Scheme
  7. Access the Policy Manager console (top-right link) and create a policy for your protected resource.

    Protect the resource with the form-based authentication.

    Oracle Access Manager, Authentication Rule

    Accessing your protected application should redirect to the form login page. Upon successful authentication, the protected application will redirect to the protected resource with a valid Oracle Access Manager session.