Sun Cluster Data Service for Agfa IMPAX Guide for Solaris OS

Configuring Sun Cluster HA for Oracle to Support Sun Cluster HA for Agfa IMPAX

Sun Cluster HA for Agfa IMPAX depends on a highly available Oracle database. When configuring Sun Cluster HA for Oracle to support Agfa IMPAX, add the Oracle server resource and the Oracle listener resource to the same resource group that you created for the IMPAX service. For details about how to install, configure, and register resources for Sun Cluster HA for Oracle, refer to Sun Cluster Data Service for Oracle Guide for Solaris OS.

In addition to registering the resources, add the oramon user to Oracle and allow it to probe the database.

Example 1 Registering Sun Cluster HA for Oracle Resources

The following example assumes that you created a resource group called impax-rg for the Sun Cluster HA for Agfa IMPAX data service.

# clresource create -g impax-rg -t SUNW.oracle_listener \
-x ORACLE_HOME=/global/export/oracle -x LISTENER_NAME=LISTNRname oralnsr-rs  

Example 2 Adding an Oracle Server Resource to the Agfa IMPAX Resource Group

The following example assumes that you created a resource group called impax-rg for the Sun Cluster HA for Agfa IMPAX data service.

# clresource create -g impax-rg -t SUNW.oracle_server \
-x CONNECT_STRING=oramon/monitor -x ORACLE_SID=oraSID \
-x ORACLE_HOME=/global/export/oracle \
-x ALERT_LOG_FILE=/global/export/oracle/admin/oraSID/bdump \
/alert_oraSID.log oraserver-rs

Example 3 Configuring the oramon User

The following example illustrates the necessary oramon configuration.

su - mvf
	sqlplus "/ as sysdba"
grant connect, resource to oramon identified by "monitor";
alter user oramon default tablespace system quota 1m on system;
grant select on v_$sysstat to oramon;
grant create session to oramon;
grant create table to oramon;