Sun OpenSSO Enterprise Policy Agent 3.0 User's Guide for Web Agents

ProcedureTo Update a Web Agent Profile Password in Policy Agent 3.0

The instructions that follow describe how to change agent profile password.

  1. Using a browser, navigate through OpenSSO Enterprise Console to the web agent properties of the agent that you want to configure.

    For the steps to navigate to the web agent properties, see To Navigate in the OpenSSO Enterprise 8.0 Console to the Web Agent Properties.

  2. Update the agent profile password in the web agent properties section as described in the substeps that follow:

    1. In the Global tab ( which is the default tab), locate the property labeled Password.

    2. Update the property labeled Password to a password of your choice.

    3. Update the property labeled “Password (confirm)” to the same value you chose for the Password property.

    4. Click Save at the top of that Global page.

  3. Update or create an agent profile password in a password file as described in the substeps that follow.

    The password file should originally have been created as a web agent pre-installation task.

    1. (Conditional) If an ASCII text agent password file does not already exist, create one .

      For example, create a file such as the following: /tmp/pwf1

    2. Using a text editor, enter in clear text on the first line, (or replace the original password, if one already exists with) the password you just updated in OpenSSO Enterprise Console.

  4. In the command line, issue the agentadmin --encrypt command to encrypt the new password.

    For example:

    PolicyAgent-base/bin/agentadmin --encrypt Agent_001 /tmp/pwf1 

    The agentadmin program returns the new encrypted password with a message such as the following:

    The encrypted value is: nMXvXoCgWAAbTomKJ6H5/g==

    For more information on this command, see agentadmin --encrypt.

  5. Copy the encrypted value that is returned.

  6. Using a text editor of your choice, access the web agent configuration file at the following location:

  7. In the bootstrap configuration file, edit the property for the agent password by pasting the encrypted password, and therefore replacing the original value of the encrypted password, as shown:

    com.sun.identity.agents.config.password = encryptedPassword

    where encryptedPassword represents the new encrypted password you created when you issued the agentadmin --encrypt command.

    This property is set in a manner similar to the following:

    com.sun.identity.agents.config.password = nMXvXoCgWAAbTomKJ6H5/g==
  8. Restart the web agent container.

    The container must be restarted for the changes to the bootstrap file to take effect.