Deployment Example: Single Sign-On, Load Balancing and Failover Using Sun OpenSSO Enterprise 8.0

ProcedureTo Generate the Distributed Authentication User Interface WAR

Create a WAR named ossodistauth.war that will be used to deploy the Distributed Authentication User Interface.

  1. As a root user, log in to the osso–1 host machine.

  2. Create a directory to serve as the staging area for the WAR.

    # cd /export/OSSO_BITS/opensso
    # mkdir war-staging
    # cd war-staging
  3. Extract the contents of opensso.war into the war-staging directory.

    # jar xvf /export/OSSO_BITS/opensso/deployable-war/opensso.war
  4. Generate the WAR using the Distributed Authentication User Interface file list.

    osso-distauth.list is included with the OpenSSO Enterprise download.

    # jar cvf /export/OSSO_BITS/opensso/deployable-war/ossodistauth.war
  5. Update the generated WAR with additional files in the /opensso/deployable-war/distauth directory of the unzipped download.

    See the README for more information.

    # cd /export/OSSO_BITS/opensso/deployable-war/distauth
    # jar uvf /export/OSSO_BITS/opensso/deployable-war/ossodistauth.war

    The WAR is updated and ready to be used to deploy the Distributed Authentication User Interface.

  6. Log out of the osso–1 host machine.